
Notes on 3.2 Pre-Release - ArcRAVE

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Notes on 3.2 Pre-Release - ArcRAVE

Philip asked me to test out the 3.2 pre-release of ArcRAVE. I installed the new add-in and opened a variety of projects.

  • The directions that we have for installing / updating ArcRAVE are now slightly outdated but still functional. Is the add-in update procedure still the same? We may want to include info about the "Update Resources" option here eventually.

To test, I used:

Problems / Notes

Philip, these may or may not be related to the pre-release. I can't always tell which issues are related to individual project types (and their XML) and which are related to how ArcRAVE is influencing their behavior. Please ignore what is irrelevant to ArcRAVE.

Channel Area

  • Shape integrity errors
One or more layers failed to draw:
Channel Area for HUC 16010204:  Intermediates:  Difference Polygons:  Shape integrity error
Channel Area for HUC 16010204:  Outputs:  Channel Area (hollow):  Shape integrity error
Channel Area for HUC 16010204:  Outputs:  Channel Area (filled):  Shape integrity error
DBMS table not found

Riverscapes Context

  • No ArcRAVE problems. Ecoregion levels 1 and 2 to be the same layer. Level 3 does not display


  • No problems noted


  • DBMS table not found for vbet_channel_area, vbet_network
  • Shape integrity errors
One or more layers failed to draw:
VBET for HUC 17060304:  Outputs:  VBET Full Extent:  Shape integrity error
VBET for HUC 17060304:  Outputs:  VBET Inactive/Active Boundary:  Shape integrity error
VBET for HUC 17060304:  Outputs:  Active Floodplain:  Shape integrity error
VBET for HUC 17060304:  Outputs:  Inactive Floodplain:  Shape integrity error
VBET for HUC 17060304:  Outputs:  Floodplain:  Shape integrity error


  • Watershed Boundary Dataset: Loads at world scale even though dataset only covers US

  • Drainage Network NHD: Did not load, was unable to view

  • Contours: Did not load, was unable to view

  • NED 3DEPE: Layers worked when added individually (as instructed in Drawing Errors message), but noting because of the other "Invalid Layers" message

One or more layers failed to draw:
Basemaps:  USGS Topography:  NED 3DEPE:   This WMS Service has a layer limit of 1 per request. Try to add each WMS sub layer individually to send multiple requests.
Basemaps:  USGS Topography:  NED 3DEPE:   WMS service exceptions:-Service Error Code:InvalidLayers
Service Error Description: Parameter 'Layers' contains invalid values.
-Service Error Code:InvalidLayers
  • ESA World Imagery: Did not load, was unable to view
  • SGMC Geology: Loads at world scale even though dataset only covers US

Thanks @shelbysawyer. My quick read is that ArcRAVE is working OK but there are several data and business logic problems.

The details on this ticket are an excellent resource for future testing.