
Can we add TIN as a Node Data Type?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm making the Topo business logic and realize that TINs are not one of current four recognized node data types. Can we add them so that TINs get added in ArcGIS RAVE?

Thanks @MattReimer. So I try:
<Node xpathlabel="Name" xpath="Realizations/Topography/TIN/WaterSurfaceTIN[@id='WaterSurfaceTIN']" type="TINType" symbology="" />

And it still can't add it. Hmmm.

Sorry Joe, that reference was mainly for @philipbaileynar when he goes to implement this.

We'll need to support that node type in Rave and push out a new version. I'll leave the rest to Philip.

Understood... Also, thinking that I should be using the name instead from here:

However, I take your point.... it 'aint plumbed yet. Thanks.