
Blackfoot River Collection

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have refactored to the project merge tool to work off of a collection (instead of tags).

Please add all the necessary HUC10 projects to the Blackfoot River Collection so that I can run the merge tool for @AldenShallcross for each project type. VBET is already done.

Once the collection has all the necessary projects for a certain type, please check the box and write a one line comment below ("VBET ready" so that I get a notification). And once the merge is complete I will update the model names below to the merged project (see VBET).

Important Note!

Don't add the merged projects to the collection! The merged projects are the same type as the input HUC10 projects. The merge tool will see them as inputs on subsequent re-runs of the tool. Snake eating its tail...

FYI @joewheaton

@philipbaileynar I think I need permissions.

invite sent

All these should be done.

These are all merged and posted above.