Create test cases for react ui components
RizkyRajitha opened this issue ยท 12 comments
i am not familiar with this area , so i cannot help much on this issue .
basically i need to test the react ui components whether they render correctly on correct circumstances.
refer to the bellow links that might help
Hii I am also new to testing I don't know too much about it but I will learn and work on it can you assign it to me, I will get to learn also and contribute too.
hi @demonicirfan ,
appreciate your interest to contribute , you can work on this issue.
yes, sure I will start working on this issue from now. It will take me some time. Is there any issue if I take time of around 2 weeks.
@demonicirfan no problem take your time but try to update your progress so that i can know this issue is not stale
thanks .
yes definitely i will keep on updating you
I don't think i can do it I'm not getting time to learn that, I am unassigning myself this issue
@demonicirfan oh sorry to here that ,
feel free to to checkout other issues is you like
Hi @RizkyRajitha I'd like to work on this.
good to have you @pavinduLakshan
i assigned this issue for you .
Hi, I would like to work on this assignment