How to install for visual studio w/ or w/o vcpkg and is there support for networking/win32?
td-at-coding opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello, I am trying to install this repository properly for visual studio and I am wondering if there's a way to add networking, tcp websockets and what not. For some reason the C repository has problems with win32 that's why I am trying to install this version of raylib. Thank you.
A Webtechstack is kind of out of scope for this project? You would need to add it yourself. If you have issues with taylib on windows, you should maybe create an issue there
Sorry, I was just wondering if there’s naming conflicts with windows.h at all.
there should be no namimg conflict afaik.
here is a setupguide for raylib on windows:
For raylib-cpp it is a header only library, having it in any include path should make it work
Of course you still need raylib to make raylib-cpp work
Oh I see… I thought this was a standalone project. Sorry about the confusion.