
Support for ASP.NET Core

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Build failed when building with .NET Platform 5.4 (ASP.NET Core)

What is .NET Platform 5.4? And if you're reporting a failure, please report the error message you got. I can't troubleshoot anything with this information.

This happens when I add nuget to the project which is a .NET Framework 4.6 Class Library and its going to used ASPNET Core Web API project

Please don't kick this issue for attention; if there's anything to report we'll let you know. Until then you're free to investigate yourself: the source is available and if you find the problem yourself you're welcome to report it.

If MongoDB driver works with .NET Core 5.4, then MongoRepository shouldnt be a problem at all.

MongoRepo is wrapper on top of MongoDB driver, there isn't any code in MongoRepo which should be a problem for Core 5.4 but I can understand that MongoDB driver might have problems with Core 5.4.

I think we should just have update the legacy mongosharpdriver to the new MongoDb.Driver.
I'm going to test that, and give feedbacks

Yo, @Willjobs94 did you get anywhere with updating legacy mongosharpdriver? I want to use MongoRepository but don't want to be reinventing any wheels.

@walterpinson, I didn't test it, sorry.

I was able to built MongoRepository for .NetCore 2.0 it after removing following method from IRepository
IDisposable RequestStart();
void RequestDone();
& following methods from IRepositoryManager
long GetTotalDataSize();
long GetTotalStorageSize();

@RobThree Do you want me to check in?

@RobThree Do you want me to check in?

You can always do a PR.