
[Bug]: entering a map is instakill

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug you're experiencing

I started a new game very excited with a friend on a minecraft server in 1.20. 1, we leveled up to level 10 and got an adventure map, we built the map device and put the map we had found on it but when we entered we appeared dead, we tried multiple times and it was the same, we went into creative to recover our bodies (we used corpose mod) and not even in creative could we recover our things, when changing from creative to survival we died instantly too. Does anyone know how to fix that?


Enter an adventure map

Mod up to date

  • Before submitting this issue I updated to the newest version and reproduced it

Tested Without Custom Mine and Slash Datapacks

  • In case I used Mine and Slash datapacks, I ran Mine and Slash in a new instance without custom datapacks and confirmed the bug still exists

Mine and Slash version



<script src=""></script>

What was the cause of death?

I installed the first dungeon generator in the overworld, added a level 9 dungeon map, and created two escape pearls to enter the dungeon. However, as soon as I entered, I was killed instantly with a message saying I had exceeded the world boundaries. I attempted to recover my items, but it was not possible.

You might have some mod that messes with world borders

I entered the dungeon at approximately x 100, y 100, z 100 and teleported to x 254584.500000, y 57.000000, z 158104.500000, which caused my character to die. I am currently trying to increase the world border to recover my items. If I succeed, I will get back to you.

The only thing that comes out about death is:
[01:48:32 INFO]: Berthely left the confines of this world

I can go in and walk around in creative but when I go into survival it's like doing /kill

World borders shouldnt be a problem after this update, i hope