
Running with Keil? How to solve errors/warnings?

JuMalIO opened this issue · 4 comments

Can anyone run this on Keil?

I tried running but got these errors/warnings:

..\Src\App\appLcdSpeedTest.c(94): warning: #223-D: function "random" declared implicitly
x = random() % BSP_LCD_GetXSize();

..\Src\App\appLcdSpeedTest.c(373): error: #20: identifier "_impure_ptr" is undefined
_impure_ptr->_r48->_rand_next = 0;

..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(660): warning: #161-D: unrecognized #pragma

#pragma GCC push_options
#pragma GCC optimize("O0")
void LCD_IO_Delay(volatile uint32_t c)
#pragma GCC pop_options

..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(721): warning: #61-D: integer operation result is out of range
..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(721): warning: #68-D: integer conversion resulted in a change of sign

....\f103c8t_app\Src\App\beer_60x100_16.c(39): error: #1077: an initializer cannot be specified for a flexible array member

How could I solve these errors/warnings?

I modified the driver for keil but couldn't try it because I don't have a licensed version (the 32kB code size limit is too low). Please test it.
The change:
random() -> rand()
_impure_ptr -> optional, I used it just to generate the same pseudorandom numbers on each run
#pragma GCC push_options -> #pragma push
#pragma GCC optimize("O0") -> #pragma O0
#pragma GCC pop_options -> #pragma pop
beer_60x100_16.c ->I did not find the right solution for this but as a forced solution bmp.h : line39 -> uint16_t data[60 * 100];

Thanks for fast response!

Project now compiles with Keil, but something is still wrong. After I upload and start the device I see screen being cleared to black color and it stops there, nothing happens after that. If I compile exact same project code with TrueStudio - application runs without issues. Where could be the issue?

Maybe these warnings which I still get are important?
..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(1095): warning: #61-D: integer operation result is out of range
..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(1095): warning: #61-D: integer operation result is out of range
..\Src\Lcd\lcd_io_spi.c(1095): warning: #68-D: integer conversion resulted in a change of sign

LCD_MOSI = B, 15

Found the issue. Its printf ! I have removed it from appLcdSpeedTest.c and application is running! With it application was getting into some kind of infinite loop. Why printf could be causing this?


  1. delete the syscalls.c file.
    Unfortunately, I can’t test because I only have (32k code limit) Keil running in a virtual box.

Yes, printf is working after setup. Thanks for support. Your drivers are awesome! Great work! 👍