
datetime + placeholder are not working properly

Closed this issue · 7 comments

  • Describe the bug
    When I use alias "datetime" and mask "HH:ss" with placeholder "00:00", the placeholder doen`t work correctly. In the field it has the form "ss:00". But it should be "00:00". It works correctly in version 5.0.8.

  • Add a link to a codepen, jsfiddle or other example page which shows the problem

  • сodesandbox

  • OS: macos 12.5.1 monterey

  • Browser Chrome 126

  • Inputmask version 5.0.9

The placeholder option is meant to be used to specify a single character. In your case, set the value to placeholder: '0'.

@Techn1c4l I tried it, it didn't help. I noticed that it works with the rest of the characters, only with zero like this

Just checked, it appears version 5.0.9-beta.70 introduced this bug. Try using version 5.0.9-beta.62, works fine for me.

it's not so critical for me right now and I'll stay on version 5.0.8 for now. Can you fix it in newer versions?

it's not so critical for me right now and I'll stay on version 5.0.8 for now. Can you fix it in newer versions?

I'm sure the author of the library will fix this eventually. I'm just helping with the issues section here.

@Techn1c4l ok. Thank`s for your help!

@skrasnoyarov ,

The issue should be solved in inputmask@5.0.10-beta.10.