
Assigning a singular `Security` schema to a `Middleware` leads to an error.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Discussed in #803

Originally posted by McMerph February 8, 2023
I want to specify that a particular middleware uses JWT Bearer Authentication.
So, I added:

security: { type: "bearer", format: "JWT" }

to createMiddleware.
Unfortunately it didn't work -(
Error is:

TypeError: methods[security.type] is not a function
    at {{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/open-api-helpers.ts:801:69
    at {{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/logical-container.ts:40:15
    at (<anonymous>)
    at mapLogicalContainer ({{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/logical-container.ts:37:28)
    at depictSecurity ({{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/open-api-helpers.ts:800:29)
    at onEndpoint ({{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/open-api.ts:120:25)
    at {{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/routing-walker.ts:46:9
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at {{PROJECT_DIR}}/node_modules/express-zod-api/src/routing-walker.ts:45:15
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

What am I doing wrong?

security: { type: "bearer" }

doesn't work either.


security: { or: [{ type: "bearer", format: "JWT" }] }


security: { and: [{ type: "bearer", format: "JWT" }] }

both work but reports structural errors in this case (screenshot provided).
Both the middleware and the endpoint have an empty input (input: z.object({})) if that matters.

Fixed in v8.9.2 🚀