
Stopped working for me a few days ago. The chat immediately returns an empty response. Where are the logs?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've been absolutely loving this plugin and use it all the time but it stopped working for me a few days ago.

How can I get diagnostic info about why it returns an empty response every time? I dont see any mention of logging output in the readme.

Thank you

@EvanDaley OpenAI recently switched to prepaid billing

If this is the case, after you buy some credits, the original API key may still not work immediately (you could speed things up by making a new key and switching to it).

Try running the following with the same API key you're using for Gp.

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    "messages": [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Hello!"
    "stream": true

And concerning the logs, there is :GpInspectPlugin command which responds with the state of the plugin including most recent _queries.

Ah shoot, yeah the prepaid thing got me. Its working now. Thanks robitx!

In case someone hits the same issue, the latest version supports sensitive logging

 	-- log file location 
 	log_file = vim.fn.stdpath("log"):gsub("/$", "") .. "/gp.nvim.log", 
 	-- write sensitive data to log file for	debugging purposes (like api keys) 
 	log_sensitive = false, 

when enabled, the :GpInspectLog will show log full curl commands run against providers, such as:

[2024-07-30.08-24-30.212] [284dedb7] DEBUG: [SENSITIVE DATA] vault get_secret openai_api_key:	"sk-..."
[2024-07-30.08-24-30.212] [284dedb7] DEBUG: [SENSITIVE DATA] run command: curl --no-buffer -s -H Content-Type: application/json -d {"model":"gpt-4o","top_p":1,"temperature":1.1,"messages":[{"content":"You are a general AI assistant.\n\nThe user provided the additional info about how they would like you to respond:\n\n- If you're unsure don't guess and say you don't know instead.\n- Ask question if you need clarification to provide better answer.\n- Think deeply and carefully from first principles step by step.\n- Zoom out first to see the big picture and then zoom in to details.\n- Use Socratic method to improve your thinking and coding skills.\n- Don't elide any code from your output if the answer requires coding.\n- Take a deep breath; You've got this!","role":"system"},{"content":"Hello there.","role":"user"}],"stream":true} -H Authorization: Bearer sk-... -H api-key: sk-...
[2024-07-30.08-24-30.216] [284dedb7] DEBUG: [SENSITIVE DATA] curl command started with pid: 2636159
[2024-07-30.08-24-37.711] [284dedb7] DEBUG: [SENSITIVE DATA] vault get_secret openai_api_key:	"sk-..."
[2024-07-30.08-24-37.711] [284dedb7] DEBUG: [SENSITIVE DATA] run command: curl --no-buffer -s -H Content-Type: application/json -d {"model":"gpt-4o","top_p":1,"temperature":1.1,"messages":[{"content":"You are a general AI assistant.\n\nThe user provided the additional info about how they would like you to respond:\n\n- If you're unsure don't guess and say you don't know instead.\n- Ask question if you need clarification to provide better answer.\n- Think deeply and carefully from first principles step by step.\n- Zoom out first to see the big picture and then zoom in to details.\n- Use Socratic method to improve your thinking and coding skills.\n- Don't elide any code from your output if the answer requires coding.\n- Take a deep breath; You've got this!","role":"system"},{"content":"Hello there.","role":"user"},{"content":"Hello! How can I assist you today? Is there something specific you're working on or something you'd like to know more about?","role":"assistant"},{"content":"Summarize the topic of our conversation above in two or three words. Respond only with those words.","role":"user"}],"stream":true} -H Authorization: Bearer sk-... -H api-key: sk-...

(Just be careful not posting your secret keys, I've redacted them manually in the example).