Rewrite to diff: feature request
fneu opened this issue · 1 comments
fneu commented
The way that claude.vim implements rewrite functionality is pretty nice: The edited file contents are written to a new split and a diff is automatically opened. It is basically a mix of :GpRewrite
and :GpVnew
It's possible to mirror this functionality with git and, e.g., fugitives :Gvdiff
, but in that case I have to stage my changes beforehand. I could probably even automate this, by opening a split and copying the file contents there, before running :GpRewrite
, and then diffing.
I'd still like to propose adding this directly to gp.nvim.
fneu commented
this works for me as a workaround for now:
vim.keymap.set({ "x" }, "<space>cd", ":GpDiff ", { remap = true, desc = "[C]opilot rewrite to [D]iff" })
function _G.gp_diff(args, line1, line2)
local contents = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), 0, -1, false)
local scratch_buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()[scratch_buf].buftype = "nofile"[scratch_buf].bufhidden = "wipe"
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(scratch_buf, 0, -1, false, contents)
vim.cmd(line1 .. "," .. line2 .. "GpRewrite " .. args)
vim.cmd("wincmd p")
end, 1000)
vim.cmd("command! -range -nargs=+ GpDiff lua gp_diff(<q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)")