
zsh: command not found: rojo

JesterXL opened this issue · 4 comments

Got a new Mac with the M1 processor. Successfully installed foreman and did forman install and it seemed to work installing Rojo. However, if I then run rojo, I get:

zsh: command not found: rojo

Not sure why it's not picking it up; if I look in the foreman/tools folder in home, I can see she did install it. Any hints?

MayGo commented

same here, any way to fix this or debug?

Do you have ~/.foreman/bin added to your PATH? You'll need to restart your shell after doing so, too.

This isn't zsh specific.

MayGo commented

Yep, not zsh specific.

Thanks for pointing that out. I was indeed missing it from PATH.
I added it to ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$HOME/.yarn/bin:~/.foreman/bin:$PATH"
Now it works.

I'll close this as it has been resolved and that we'll track improvements regarding that in #28