
Save settings in SSL

alefelipeoliveira opened this issue · 6 comments


I want to know if only are having this problem, I couldn't save anything I changed in SSL vision.
Example: I calibrated the field and YUV colors Thresholding, but even I click in "Save settings" and after click in "X" to close the program, when I open again the calibration had been lost,
Could anyone help me about this, please?

Do you still have this problem?

Yes, Still have the problem,
Is possible to save our calibration in SSL, so next time turn on the PC the calibration are done?

The calibration should be saved automatically when ssl-vision exits. Do you see any warnings/errors on the console when clicking "Save settings" or when exiting ssl-vision?
How exactly do you start ssl-vision? For example: cd ssl-vision; bin/vision
Are the xml configuration files (settings.xml, robocup-ssl*.xml) writeable by your current user?

I start SSL Vision clicking in the bin directory:
captura de tela de 2017-08-08 14-22-00

I tried to start Vision in the Terminal, but was not possible:
Uploading Captura de tela de 2017-08-08 14-22-26.png…
When I tried the command vision, the message ¨Do not Find the command¨

When I click in save settings in SSL, any message error appears, but when I open the programa again, the settings that I changed are unchanged.

You need to run ssl vision from the main ssl-vision directory
