
Please try the new version of Stino

Robot-Will opened this issue · 21 comments

As there are a lot of problems in the current version of Stino, I am writing a new version to make this plugin better. This version is in the new-stino branch, and you can try it. This version plugin will be changed to master branch when it is finished.

Hi, you can find it in menu Arduino -> Build Options -> Select Build
Folder. Thanks.

在 10/27/2014 3:01 AM, geonicz 写道:

Hi, Robot-Will !
I've tested the new version. I've mentioned the improvements. Thanks
for good work! It's a really nice job! Thanks a lot!
One thing I've discovered from the start is that it compiles sketch to
my "user_profile\Documents" folder. Is there any ability|setting to
change this compile folder(I didn't find it in menu as in previous

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#179 (comment).

Thanks, Robot-Will! I've already found it, so deleted the message.


Here is a quick how-to for people not familiar with manual installation:

  1. Disable your current installation of Stino to avoid menu mix-up:
    • Click the menu Preferences->Package Control->Disable Package->Arduino-like IDE
  2. Install the new-stino branch:
    • Download the new-stino branch of Stino as a zip file, and extract it
    • Click the menu Preferences->Browse Packages...
    • Copy the extracted Stino-new-stino folder into the Packages folder
    • Restart Sublime Text
  3. Configure your working folders:
    • Arduino folder: click the menu Arduino->Preferences->Select Arduino Application Folder
    • Sketchbook folder: click the menu Arduino->Preferences->Change Sketchbook Folder
    • Build folder: click the menu Arduino->Build Options->Select Build Folder
    • Force menu update: click the menu Arduino->Update Menu

You are ready to test the new version!

Please note that your Stino installation will not be automatically updated in this case!

  • If you want to keep your installation up-to-date:
    • Click the menu Preferences->Package Control->Remove Package->Stino
    • Reproduce Step 2
  • If you want to go back to stable/old Stino:
    • Click the menu Preferences->Package Control->Remove Package->Stino
    • Click the menu Preferences->Package Control->Enable Package->Arduino-like IDE
    • Restart Sublime Text

Thanks to @Robot-Will for his great work!

[Edit: Changed updating method for something cleaner]

guys, can we make a wiki page for the new version?
it would be quicker to reach rather than looking inside issues

thank you

Good idea. But how to make a wiki page?

simple :)
screen shot 2014-11-28 at 08 20 09
screen shot 2014-11-28 at 08 20 20

Yeah, I know this function. What I mean is whether the wiki could be edited by a lot of contributors, not only by me.

I think so, shall we give it a shot?
I told you because I don't want to be rude and just create pages on your project :)

GitHub's notification system is a mess and you can hardly find what you're looking for (at least so it is for me)

Yeah, I appreciate your help. Currently I am still writing this plugin, and I have no much time to write documents. But documents is very important for users. I want this plugin better and it needs a good documents.


I'll give it a shot today.
more than happy to help when my schedule is not as crazy :)

I confirm that this new version fixed the sketch uploads for the Flora! This using a macbook pro, Mavericks, adafruit IDE.


I've got a custom Pololu A-Star Arduino board. I did everyting step by step as above, but It still won't compile. Building hangs at 3%.

EDIT: It's working but only when I run Sublime Text 3 as an administrator. Is it really neccessary?

Hi @oomek, no need as an administrator, maybe something wrong. Use Ctrl+` to show the ST's console and see whether some error messages in the console. Thanks.

Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 1112, in _execute_child
OSError: [WinError 740] The requested operation requires elevation

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
File "./", line 858, in run
File "C:\Users\Radek\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Stino-new-stino\stino\pyarduino\", line 84, in start_build
File "C:\Users\Radek\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Stino-new-stino\stino\pyarduino\", line 365, in show_size_info
return_code, stdout, stderr = exec_cmd(self.working_dir, size_cmd)
File "C:\Users\Radek\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Stino-new-stino\stino\pyarduino\", line 491, in exec_cmd
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
File "./", line 824, in init
File "./", line 1118, in _execute_child
OSError: [WinError 740] The requested operation requires elevation

Package Control: Skipping automatic upgrade, last run at 2014-12-15 15:17:50, next run at 2014-12-15 16:17:50 or after

There does not have the option of "Package Control" under "Preferences" in my Sublime Text 3 menu, is there anything missing in my installation?

I use Sublime Text 2 on Windows and Linux and I assumed it was the standard way to open it, alternatively you can press the following keys:

  • ctrl+shift+p on Windows and Linux
  • cmd+shift+p on OS X

Then start typing Package in the opened palette.

See the official manual:

Maybe you haven't installed Package Control yet? In this case, follow instructions here:

Hi ! i have a huge problem with uploading code to arduino leonardo board. i tried at least 20 times all the steps here - and at some point i managed to get it working. but after i restart stino - it doesn't work anymore.
For example, after i disable and uninstall arduino-like-ide, and install stino-new-stino, i see the new shortcuts - that are changed , but after just a few seconds - almost all arduino menu gets greyed out and I cannot do anything afterwards.
I can try removing stino-new-stino and adding it again but nothing happens. This happened to me on Sublime text 2.0.2 and also sublime text 3.

Later edit
Unzipped a couple of times sublime text - and found out that the problem was package control. I did not install package control in my final approach. I unzipped, run sublime text once- so he creates the folders, restart , copy in the data\package folder stino-new-stino, restart again. and now it works.
I can now restart sublime text and the menu stays the same - and I can also upload code on leonardo.

Hello @newbbie, try the solution in #221


I just tried Stino-new-stino and I have some strange bug.
I can upload any sketch to Arduino UNO without any problem. But when I try to upload sketch to Attiny45 using Arduino as ISP programmer I've got this error message:

[Stino - Start uploading...]
"/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude" "-C/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf" -v -v -v -v -pattiny45 -c{upload.protocol} "-P/dev/ttyACM0" -b{upload.speed} -D "-Uflash:w:/tmp/Stino_build/attiny45SensorLed/attiny45SensorLed.hex:i"
avrdude: invalid baud rate specified '{upload.speed}'

[Stino - Exit with error code 1.]

I can upload any sketch to Attiny45 using Arduino IDE.
Could you tell me, how can I fix this issue? Thanks.


I've installed Arduino 1.6.4 and the new styno.

I've a problem with path:

"{}/bin/avrdude" "-C{}/etc/avrdude.conf" -v -patmega2560 -cwiring "-PCOM11" -b115200 -D "-Uflash:w:D:\programacion\arduino projects\build\Test_Tipos/Test_Tipos.hex:i"
El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada

This fix is required:

On Debian/Ubuntu systems you need only to add this 2 lines to the file:


at line 323

target_tools_avrdude_path = os.path.join(ide_path, 'hardware/tools/avr')

and this at 332 of same file

params[''] = target_tools_avrdude_path

Solution copied from: