
request raspbian

Matschi89 opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Hi there,

is there any chance robot-js will be available on the raspberry pi with raspbian?

thanks in advance
sincerely Matthias

@Matschi89 I happen to have a few raspberry pi's laying around so I'd be happy to take a look. But I'm not quite sure what kind of changes would be required. Most of the functionality is based on standard POSIX and X11 routines. My understanding is that most of it should work fine, minus the compiling. For compiling, I'm hoping that this PR will fix those problems. Maybe if you have time you can try out that branch and see if it works? Otherwise, maybe see about compiling robot-js manually?

@dkrutsko thanks for the fast reply!
Unfortunately I'm a total newbie to everything programming related...
I'm afraid I can't be helpful.

I'm searching for a method to send key strokes/combination with node-red.
There are some solutions, but they all rely on robot-js.
Sorry for not being any helpful.. :/

Perhaps robotjs (without the dash) might work better for you? Pardon the confusion, robotjs is actually a bit more portable when it comes to sending keys, etc. robot-js (this library) is focused on more advanced system automation.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Unfortunately I get the same error when I try to install it

As far as I see (I'm pretty blind depending on programming topic) it fails trying to
include <X11/Xutil.h>
I'll attach the logfile. Maybe that'll clear it.

Try running:

sudo apt-get install libxt-dev libxtst-dev libxinerama-dev -y

See this for more info

It worked so far! now trying to get a functional node-red node

Seeing that robotjs is enough for this, Can we close this issue? ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ˜„

It works right @karliky, just need a binding.gyp?

Yeah, I think we'll solve a lot of problems with that gyp configuration file.

Closing this issue, assuming it gets fixed with #35.

Experimental support for this is coming with version 2.0.0.