
Clicking on URLs in a webview

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Hey again, I encountered a problem while attempting to click on an link inside a WebView with Robotium.

No matter if I am clicking either with solo.clickOnText("link text") or through solo.clickOnWebElement(By.textContent("link text")) Robotium will simply touch the link without actually properly delivering the click to it. I can see that the link is highlighted as if a user slightly touching it without actually triggering the click on the link.

I can however deliver a long click to an element normally. I'm using robotium 5.6.0, tested this with a phone with android 6.0 and with an emulator running 5.1 and 4.4, both exhibit the same problem.

I guess it might be possible to deliver the click by getting instance of the webview and using evaluateJavascript method, but that hardly seems like a good choice.

Any ideas what could cause this and how to fix it?