
robotium typetext wrong order

Mrxiaoxie opened this issue · 2 comments

When I use typetext() to verify edittext limit conditions , I found that the order of text is wrong.
my code:
Edite text = solo.getEditText(0); solo.setText(text,""); solo.typeText(text,'2.2222'); assertEquals("2.22", text.getText().toString());

but I get actual result is 22.22 not 2.22
how can I avoid this situation?
thank you in advance!

This happened to me long time ago.
setText maybe more reliable because it uses Android API to input text , while typeText use Instrumentation sendStringSync, it emulates soft keyboard to enter text.

Thank you!
But If I use solo.setEditText(text,'2.2222'), the result of text.getText().toString() is empty.
I want to simulate the actions of users,but this problem bother me a lot.