
Not working?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm running the node.js server and can chat between 2 browsers, but if I run a scene with TestObject in it I get no logs. Also no errors. Am I missing something or is this no longer working in Unity 2019.4?

ah, it's working, but the example didn't really do much. I updated it do more or less the same thing as the browser-example:

`using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Socket.Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Socket.Quobject.SocketIoClientDotNet.Client;

public class TestObject : MonoBehaviour {

private QSocket m_Socket;

private string m_Chat;
private string m_Input;

void Start() {
    m_Socket = IO.Socket ("http://localhost:3000" );

    m_Socket.On (QSocket.EVENT_CONNECT, () => {
        Debug.Log( "Connected" );
        m_Socket.Emit ("chat", "test");
    m_Socket.On ("chat", (data) => {
        JObject jObject = data as JObject;
        m_Chat += Environment.NewLine + "user#" + jObject["id"] + ": " + jObject["msg"];

private void OnGUI() {
    GUILayout.Label( m_Chat );
    m_Input = GUILayout.TextField( m_Input );
    if( GUILayout.Button( "Send" ) ) {
        m_Socket.Emit( "chat", m_Input );
        m_Input = "";

private void OnDestroy() {
    m_Socket.Disconnect ();


But I still have a problem. For some reason the Unity example reconnects as a new user every ~half minute. Guess I need to do some googling...

hi coll000r!
I'll check it out and update the example. Thank you.