
Feat: Add a 'Files' menu option view the files shared in the channel

umangutkarsh opened this issue · 4 comments

As an EmbeddedChat developer

I need to: Implement a sidebar menu option

So That: Where users can view all the Files shared in the channel just like in like in Rocket.Chat.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Create a menu option, and a sidebar tab to view all shared 'Files'
  • Use the REST API endpoint to fetch all the files of that channel,
  • Integrate it with the existing codebase.


Will create a PR shortly after I'm done with it.


@umangutkarsh You might want to take a look at this issue #490

@umangutkarsh You might want to take a look at this issue #490

@JeffreytheCoder the files are rendered properly on my screen. Maybe because of some network issue or something, you might be encountering this issue. Are you running the RC instance locally?

Also you can take a look at this if you are getting this issue: #368

@umangutkarsh Yes I'm running the RC instance locally. I keep encountering this issue on my end. Could you explain on the network issue you mentioned in #368 that causes this?