
KVRocks cluster slave metrics not scraped

pk-vungle opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the problem
I have a kvrocks cluster with 4 nodes, 2 of which are masters node and one replica connected to respective masters. Kvrocks exporter is installed on all nodes and the scrape config is such:

      - job_name: kvrocks_exporter_stage_kafka_targets
          - targets:
            - kvrocks://kvrocks-1001:6379
            - kvrocks://kvrocks-1002:6379
            - kvrocks://kvrocks-1003:6379
            - kvrocks://kvrocks-1004:6379
        metrics_path: /scrape
          - source_labels: [__address__]
            target_label: __param_target
          - source_labels: [__param_target]
            target_label: instance
          - target_label: __address__
            replacement: kvrocks-1001:9121

The kvrocks_exporter are started as such

/usr/local/bin/kvrocks_exporter -kvrocks.addr kvrocks://localhost:6379 -include-system-metrics -is-cluster

From prometheus, the metrics from master nodes, 1001 and 1002 are available. However, 1003 and 1004 which are the slaves nodes, metrics are not showing. Metrics browser are only showing these metrics for 1003 and 1004


What version of redis_exporter are you running?
Please run redis_exporter --version if you're not sure what version you're running.
[ ] 0.3x.x
[/] 1.x.x

Running the exporter
What's the full command you're using to run the exporter? (please remove passwords and other sensitive data)

/usr/local/bin/kvrocks_exporter -kvrocks.addr kvrocks://localhost:6379 -include-system-metrics -is-cluster

Expected behavior
What metrics are missing? What metrics are wrong? Is something missing that was present in an earlier version?
Did you upgrade from 0.3x.x to 1.0 and are scraping multiple hosts? Have a look here how the configuration changed.

I should be able to see all metrics from each nodes.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

It was dns error, issue resolved.