Javascript error when generating Postgresql model
neoneo opened this issue · 3 comments
When generating the model for Postgres, I get the following javascript error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: attribute is not defined
at eval (eval at sisulate ((index):5163), :21:23)
at Object.sisulate ((index):5206)
at HTMLLIElement.onclick ((index):6385)
This only happens when some attribute is historized. The model is generated fine without historized attributes. This is not an issue for SQLServer.
I'm running Chrome 56 on Mac, using the modeler on
Is the Postgres modeler officially supported and maintained, or is it a community effort?
We are now looking into adopting Anchor Modeling, and SQLServer is not an option for us. I could look into it myself if you can give me some instruction.
The console logs: The script SQL/PostgreSQL/uni/CreateAnchorPerspectiveDifference.js could not be executed.
This is the string that could not be evaluated:
var anchor;
while (anchor = schema.nextAnchor()) {
if(anchor.hasMoreAttributes()) { // only do perspectives if there are attributes
if(anchor.hasMoreHistorizedAttributes()) {
_sisula_+="\n" +
"-- Difference perspective ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" +
"-- d" + ( ? : "") + " showing all differences between the given timepoints and optionally for a subset of attributes\n" +
"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" +
"CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " + (anchor.capsule ? anchor.capsule : "") + "\.d" + ( ? : "") + " (\n" +
" intervalStart " + (schema.metadata.chronon ? schema.metadata.chronon : "") + ",\n" +
" intervalEnd " + (schema.metadata.chronon ? schema.metadata.chronon : "") + ",\n" +
" selection text = null\n" +
" inspectedTimepoint " + (schema.metadata.chronon ? schema.metadata.chronon : "") + ",\n" +
" mnemonic text,\n" +
" " + (anchor.identityColumnName ? anchor.identityColumnName : "") + " " + (anchor.identity ? anchor.identity : "") + ",\n" +
" " + (schema.METADATA ? "" + (anchor.metadataColumnName ? anchor.metadataColumnName : "") + " " + (schema.metadata.metadataType ? schema.metadata.metadataType : "") + "," : "") + "";
while (attribute = anchor.nextAttribute()) {
_sisula_+="\n" +
" " + (schema.IMPROVED ? "" + (attribute.anchorReferenceName ? attribute.anchorReferenceName : "") + " " + (anchor.identity ? anchor.identity : "") + "," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (schema.METADATA ? "" + (attribute.metadataColumnName ? attribute.metadataColumnName : "") + " " + (schema.metadata.metadataType ? schema.metadata.metadataType : "") + "," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (attribute.timeRange ? "" + (attribute.changingColumnName ? attribute.changingColumnName : "") + " " + (attribute.timeRange ? attribute.timeRange : "") + "," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (attribute.isEquivalent() ? "" + (attribute.equivalentColumnName ? attribute.equivalentColumnName : "") + " " + (schema.metadata.equivalentRange ? schema.metadata.equivalentRange : "") + "," : "") + "\n" +
if(attribute.isKnotted()) {
knot = attribute.knot;
_sisula_+="\n" +
" " + (knot.hasChecksum() ? "" + (attribute.knotChecksumColumnName ? attribute.knotChecksumColumnName : "") + " bytea," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (knot.isEquivalent() ? "" + (attribute.knotEquivalentColumnName ? attribute.knotEquivalentColumnName : "") + " " + (schema.metadata.equivalentRange ? schema.metadata.equivalentRange : "") + "," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (attribute.knotValueColumnName ? attribute.knotValueColumnName : "") + " " + (knot.dataRange ? knot.dataRange : "") + ",\n" +
" " + (schema.METADATA ? "" + (attribute.knotMetadataColumnName ? attribute.knotMetadataColumnName : "") + " " + (schema.metadata.metadataType ? schema.metadata.metadataType : "") + ", " : "") + "\n" +
_sisula_+="\n" +
" " + (attribute.hasChecksum() ? "" + (attribute.checksumColumnName ? attribute.checksumColumnName : "") + " bytea," : "") + "\n" +
" " + (attribute.valueColumnName ? attribute.valueColumnName : "") + " " + (attribute.isKnotted() ? "" + (knot.identity ? knot.identity : "") + "" : "" + (attribute.dataRange ? attribute.dataRange : "") + "") + "";
_sisula_+="" + (anchor.hasMoreAttributes() ? "," : "") + "\n" +
_sisula_+="\n" +
") AS '\n" +
"SELECT\n" +
" timepoints.inspectedTimepoint,\n" +
" timepoints.mnemonic,\n" +
" p" + (anchor.mnemonic ? anchor.mnemonic : "") + "\.*\n" +
"FROM (\n" +
while (attribute = anchor.nextHistorizedAttribute()) {
_sisula_+="\n" +
" " + (attribute.anchorReferenceName ? attribute.anchorReferenceName : "") + " AS " + (anchor.identityColumnName ? anchor.identityColumnName : "") + ",\n" +
" CAST(" + (attribute.changingColumnName ? attribute.changingColumnName : "") + " AS " + (schema.metadata.chronon ? schema.metadata.chronon : "") + ") AS inspectedTimepoint,\n" +
" ''" + (attribute.mnemonic ? attribute.mnemonic : "") + "'' AS mnemonic\n" +
" FROM\n" +
" " + (attribute.isEquivalent() ? "" + (attribute.capsule ? attribute.capsule : "") + "\.e" + ( ? : "") + "(0) " : "" + (attribute.capsule ? attribute.capsule : "") + "\." + ( ? : "") + "") + "\n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" (selection is null OR selection like ''%" + (attribute.mnemonic ? attribute.mnemonic : "") + "%'')\n" +
" AND\n" +
" " + (attribute.changingColumnName ? attribute.changingColumnName : "") + " BETWEEN intervalStart AND intervalEnd\n" +
" " + (anchor.hasMoreHistorizedAttributes() ? "UNION" : "") + "\n" +
_sisula_+="\n" +
") timepoints\n" +
" " + (anchor.capsule ? anchor.capsule : "") + "\.p" + ( ? : "") + "(timepoints.inspectedTimepoint) p" + (anchor.mnemonic ? anchor.mnemonic : "") + "\n" +
"WHERE\n" +
" p" + (anchor.mnemonic ? anchor.mnemonic : "") + "\." + (anchor.identityColumnName ? anchor.identityColumnName : "") + " = timepoints." + (anchor.identityColumnName ? anchor.identityColumnName : "") + ";\n" +
} // end of if anchor has any attributes
Yes, looks like it's the same issue to me.
I get this too. Would be nice to fix and so I can use it on PostgreSQL. Thanks.