
[Chapter 6 Figure 11.10] Typo when describing prices

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The code used to produce the graph here on London AirBnb prices histogram says filter > 1000 while the explanation below says the opposite.

If we focus on prices that are less than \$1,000, then we see that most properties have a nightly price less than \$250 (@fig-airbnbpricesbunch-1). In the same way that we saw some bunching in ages in @sec-clean-and-prepare, it looks like there is some bunching of prices here. It might be that this is happening around numbers ending in zero or nine. Let us just zoom in on prices between \$90 and \$210, out of interest, but change the bins to be smaller (@fig-airbnbpricesbunch-2).

I believe it's a smol typo and similarly to this one - if you believe it's so and agree/approve - I'm happy to submit a PR to fix this.
Again - thank you for writing and offering freely the book.

Thank you very much for letting me know. I will fix and acknowledge you!