
Cannot open solution in Visual Studio 2013

MathieuDSTP opened this issue · 3 comments

I get that in the in visual studio console after it refuses to open the projects inside the solution.

C:\Code\Dynamic.Trader\Trader.Domain\Trader.Domain.csproj : error : The attribute "Version" in element is unrecognized. C:\Code\Dynamic.Trader\Trader.Domain\Trader.Domain.csproj

C:\Code\Dynamic.Trader\Trader.Client\Trader.Client.csproj : error : The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="" to the element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format. C:\Code\Dynamic.Trader\Trader.Client\Trader.Client.csproj

Dynamic trader has been upgraded to use the new visual studio 2017 project style. This is why it cannot be opened in Vs 2013.

I have created a branch: version4 which is based off the commit just before I upgraded it. Please give it a go.

Dynamic trader is a sample app and I will not be maintaining compatability for earlier vs. if the branch does not work you can install Vs community edition for free

Hi, @RolandPheasant

Could you tell me how to create a project with "the new visual studio 2017 project style"?

I have a puzzle: all .Net framework projects I create use "References", rather than "Dependencies", to manage packages.

Thank you!

You should just be able to open it up in Visual Studio 2017 and it'll work.

If you want to use the new VS 2017 project, you can create a .net standard project from VS 2017.

See here for a guide