- This is the backend of Monster Capital App
- This is currently not working, the app is not using any of the services here, we are using only smart contracts
- It uses Firebase for storing the users and news
- It is written in typescript, uses node and a simple express server implementation
- Here you can see how the looks the app
- Here are the smart contracts for this project
- It works as an API service and cover the following services for the app 👇
- Create users
- Login
- Offer news (the news needs to be stored in the database already)
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.dev/RolandoDrRobot/CoraToken-BackEnd
- Go to
andnpm install
- Run
npm run dev
- Right now only works on localhost, still planning the meaning of this project
- When you start the server, It will be availble on port 443, so, the APIs links will be preceeded by
- Create user: endpoint
pass as arguments(email, password, name)
- Login: endpoint
pass as arguments(email, password, name)
- News: endpoint
It is a get request, no arguments needed
- Still looking useful case for this code