
Weird handling of numbers in lists

sedric opened this issue · 0 comments


To make a macro that implement Call of Cthulhu V7 rolls, on which bonuses/maluses are in the form of X dices with tens faces and keep the lowest / highest, I need to implement a D100 that fully emulate the D tens + D10 mechanism.

I tried to do it with list but it seems numbers are treated weirdly : you can do arithmetic with multiple pool dices but you can't use operators and the output is somewhat broken.

If I want to list words (here: 2L[sword,bow,knife,gun,shotgun]), it's treated like this :


If I want to list numbers, on the other hand, it's treated like a normal dice roll but as you can see, it doesn't show the dice output :

# 30
Details:[1L[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90] ()]

And when you do multiple roll it doesn't show both values but add the values as result :

# 100
Details:[2L[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90] (0 0)]

So when you try to use other operators, it's just more confusing as they are not applied and this is visible only on high values :

# 130
Details:[2L[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]k (0 0)]

But, still, adding other dices values work :

# 139
Details:[2L[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]k+1D10 (0 0 9)]

Is it possible to have a more consistent behavior ? Either treat all output as strings / numbers as "numbered roll" / throw an error, but this middle ground is confusing and undocumented.