
Some more examples

ajitam opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm playing whit this gadget for a past couple of days now, but with very little results.

Connection to TIMEBOX is successful.

After no luck with (more complex) examples I decided to start with raw.

The only visible result I can get is switching to clock

  var d = (new Divoom.TimeboxEvo()).createRequest('raw');
  d.messages.forEach(m => {
    btSerial.write(Buffer.from(m.message, 'hex'), function (err, bytesWritten) {
      if (err) {
        D('send N0K', err);
      else {
        D('send 0K');
  }) // Will display the list of messages as hexadecimals strings

and with 4507 (not 4506) I switch to "score board"

What would a command for setting number on score board would be?

I tried:

  • d.push("4507 0001 0002");
  • d.push("450700 0001 0002");
  • d.push("450700"+getScoreBoardEncoded(1,2));

Not even this one is working for me. Maybe the API changed?

@thedull mybe... also it does not work for me