
A Flask webserver with Stripe to sell your voucher code

Primary LanguageHTML


The main page

This is a python script to help you sell your Voucher codes with Stripe. I made it for personal use but I wanted to share it

It support only two plan, a reccuring month plan and a one-time payment week plan but you can add more or less without too much change in the code.

I made it to support multiple zone if I go worldwide one day, I called it Location but I only have "houston" here.

In the MailConfig section of Settings.json I added SendMailAs wich is if you have a different username than your email address and Admin is your mail address where all the problem will go.

Its designed for French/Spanish people, I also added english because why not, its not my main language though.

The python-stripe AUR is out of date you need to modify the PKGBUILD like I did at the end

I use Nginx, if you are using Caddy, Apache or anything else you will need to adapt (the hard part is to set a header so you should be good)

Its based on this Codepen design https://codepen.io/xhepigerta/pen/oxxQaw


  • CaptivePortalStripe.py - The main program

  • PaymentHistory.xlsx - Human readable history

  • log.log - Log sent by systemD

    I don't think I will make a log system inside the pyhon script because with this method I get everything without touching anything

  • SessionID.json - A backup of the session_id that Stripe return that server mainly to avoid re-using a valid session_id and also as a log if you feel it

  • Settings.json - Your settings

  • templates/... - HTML files

  • static/... - CSS/JS/WEBP files

  • Voucher/... - OPNsense generated Voucher files converted into xlsx

    I will probably do something to just drag and drop the generated voucher files


If you are using Arch python-flask, python-flask-mail and python-openpyxl are in the community repository !

Stripe is in the AUR and out of date 😟

Setup Test🧪

  • Clone this repository

  • cd CaptivePortalStripe

  • Edit Settings.json to fit your need

  • Generate some Voucher for a week with opnsense and copy the IDs and the passwords in a xlsx file named (houston for example) houston-Week.xlsx or houston-Month.xlsx inside the Voucher directory it should look like this (mine is used) : 1

  • Repeat for the Month plan

  • Now you can start it with python CaptivePortalStripe.py English

    Note: Its designed to use Python 3 (3.7.4) and you can choose between English and French (backend only)

  • Install an extension to modify the headers for example https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/modify-header-value/ and set it up like this: 1

Setup Live😎

VPS and Location

At first, I used a raspberry but I wanted to do something else with it and I also wanted https so I bought a VPS and I took the occasion to install this https://github.com/Ysurac/openmptcprouter, you may want to check it out.

The Location setting is if you have multiple Zone and different Voucher for them. I make it in such a way that you need to create a subdomain and create a Header with nginx to tell wich Location is it so for https://houston.domain.com Nginx will create a Header called HTTP_X_LOCATION with "houston" inside and the python script will look for houston-Month.xlsx or houston-Week.xlsx when he look for a Voucher

  • Create a subdomain in your DNS record
  • Create a Nginx config file as my example below
  • Modify Houston in Settings.json as well

Next on your server

  • Create a user with sudo useradd -m -d /CaptivePortalStripe captiveportalstripe
  • Change its password (I don't know if its required) sudo passwd captiveportalstripe
  • Switch to this user su captiveportalstripe
  • Go to his home directory cd
  • git clone https://github.com/RomanJos/CaptivePortalStripe.git
  • mv CaptivePortalStripe/* .
  • rm -rf CaptivePortalStripe
  • exit
  • Create the systemD service like the example below with sudo systemctl edit --force --full CaptivePortalStripe
  • enable it at boot sudo systemctl enable CaptivePortalStripe
  • start it sudo systemctl start CaptivePortalStripe


  • Open a Stripe account, you don't need to be verified to make it work
  • Put your api key in settings.json
  • Create two product (month and week) as explained here for reccuring and here for one-time payment At this point you should have "sku_FuanUXnYNE8nH8" for One-time and/or "plan_Fv1W36peMAhWK2" for reccuring. And of course your API keys. Put them in Settings.json

Mail if you are using Gmail

OPNsense Captive portal Settings

  • Upload OPNsenseCaptivePortalTemplate.zip in "Templates" tab of the Captive portal administration settings
  • Create a new zone and enter your VPS'IP and the Stripe ip like below in "Allowed addresses" field
  • In Unboud or DNSmasq enter the Stripe domains and their IP addresses in ovverride, this is to "lock" their IPs and don't mess with the Allowed addresses in the zone config

Sample Systemd service file


ExecStart=/bin/bash -ce "exec /usr/bin/python -u /CaptivePortalStripe/CaptivePortalStripe.py >> /CaptivePortalStripe/log.log 2>&1"


Sample Nginx config file

This is my config as example with Houston, edit it as you like

# http => https
server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80; # IPv6 support
    server_name houston.wifi.domain.com;

    include preset/BasicRestriction;
    location / {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
        include 'preset/HSTS';
        include 'preset/SecurityHeaders';
server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    server_name houston.wifi.domain.com;

    # Logs
    access_log /var/log/nginx/CaptivePortalStripe.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/CaptivePortalStripe.log;

    include preset/WildcardCertificate;#if you have multiple subdomain like me make sure to include them in the certificate *.domain.com *.wifi.domain.com
    include preset/SSL; # cipher eliptic curve et tout le bordel lol
    include preset/Development; #Pour éviter le réferencement etc
    include preset/BasicRestriction; # éviter les accès au .git etc
    location / {
        allow; #Here I allow only my ISP IP block
        deny all; # deny the rest
        proxy_cache off;
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header HTTP_X_HOST $host;
        proxy_set_header HTTP_X_REAL_IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header HTTP_X_LOCATION houston; # This is where I set the header
        include 'preset/HSTS';
        include 'preset/SecurityHeaders';
    # redirect server error pages to the static page
    error_page 403 403WiFi.html; #The default path for this is /etc/nginx/html/403WiFi.html
    location = /403WiFi.html {
       root html;
  • Check if you didn't messed up your Nginx configsudo nginx -t
  • and restart Nginx sudo systemctl restart nginx.service

My list of Stripe IP :

Make sure to have them configured in your dns override and in the allowed addresses section of the captive portal

  • q.stripe.com ->
  • m.stripe.network ->
  • js.stripe.com ->
  • checkout.stripe.com ->
  • api.stripe.com ->
  • stripe.com ->

PKGBUILD diff (Arch)

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 865f71f..fa933a4 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Maintainer: Dylan Whichard <dylan@whichard.com>
 pkgdesc='Stripe python bindings'
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ url="https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python"

 package() {
 	cd "$srcdir/$_name-$pkgver"


  • Send Mail in HTML
  • Use CSV instead of xlsx
  • Change the Voucher file to allow a drag and drop of the opnsense's generated one