
Only update specific apps

KnifMelti opened this issue · 22 comments

As an alternative to the 'excluded_apps.txt' it would be nice to have a 'included_apps.txt' for whitelisting purpose, i.e when specifik apps are installed via SCCM that list could be updated and WAU should only update these, not anything else.

Thanks for your comment. It was in my mind, so thanks to have written it down.
Just thinking about the best way to have white and black list options in install script.

My take on this is:
If there exist a white list (populated or unpopulated) then nothing gets updated until the white list gets populated.
I'm saving all our apps that we let the users manage as Available in SCCM in registry as Detection Method under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Winget

If/when there's a whitelist for WAU I'm gonna populate the list from the registry when users install/uninstall an app from SCCM

v1.7.0 published as pre-release for testing.

You can now use white list to only maintain app you want.

Juste create an included_apps.txt next to excluded_apps.txt, add the apps in list and run ".\Winget-AutoUpdate-Install.ps1 -UseWhiteList"

Nice solution (populated or not)!
#White List or Black List apps if ($UseWhiteList){ if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\included_apps.txt"){ Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\included_apps.txt" -Destination $WingetUpdatePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else{ New-Item -Path $WingetUpdatePath -Name "included_apps.txt" -ItemType "file" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } else { Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\excluded_apps.txt" -Destination $WingetUpdatePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

The idea if you use White List is :
if a file exists, keep it
if no file, create empty one

And if you use Winget-Install, you can install apps and use the "-WAUWhiteList" switch to add the app to white list when it's installed

Used your WAU (stripped version) for install/repair (update)/uninstall single apps in SCCM before (because of the non existing whitelist feature in WAU.
In that way users could manually update single apps from Software Center.
Going to abandon my own additions and begin using your Winget-Install + WAU and $WAUWhiteList instead!

glad it helped ;)

Need some help with the whitelist file. I'm installing this via Intune and I wrapped my whitelist file inside the win32 app file. I seem to be getting this error. How should I fix existing devices and my new deployments via Intune.



Don't include ‐Listpath in your install. It will find the list itself (default).
But, you must use the -UseWhiteList parameter!

Ok so for those that were deployed with the ‐Listpath is there a way to fix them after the fact?

Yes, simply redeploy WAU.

Does this look like it's working?


My folder contents:


Could you in a terminal manually run the command winget upgrade --source winget and post the output, please!

Strange then...
...there's the string of dashes (when there's not the message of An unusual... pops up).
Are those apps in your white list?

No this is my whitelist.


Well, run the same command as before as system in a terminal (psexec or nirsoft advanced run) and post the output.
But then you must give the path to your system winget too.
I'm not on keyboard at my pc.

Your system winget is under C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_1.20.1881.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

I agree, in your case we need to see what winget returns in system context.

Or/and the log from after ($upgradeResult is transferred to the log):