
Primary LanguageJava

Leicester, UK 11 . June . 2015

University of Leicester
Computer Science
Student:	Mário Augusto Mota Martins
Supervisor:	Thomas Erlebach

	Algorithm Implementation Report

This work is to present seven algorithms that operate on the data structure known as graph implemented in JAVA, aiming Tablets and Smartphones trough the Android Platform, API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). In the end, I would like to present an report including, for each algorithm, a brief description of the same, an analysis of its complexity and implementation details. The algorithms to be implemented are:

1. Kruskal's Algorithm;
2. Dijkstra's Algorithm;
3. Depth-First Search - DFS;
4. Transitive Closure;
5. Breadth-First Search - BFS;
6. Topological Sorting;
7. Floyd–Warshall Algorithm;

-The Interaction with the project can be composed of a menu as follows:
> The project has an initial menu showing its inputs and possible outputs:
1 - "Add vertices and edges";
2 - "Show given graph";
3 - "Get Kruskal's tree";
4 - "Get path of Dijkstra";
5 - "Get DFS tree";
6 - "Get Transitive Closure of a vertex in this graph";
7 - "Get BFS tree";
8 - "Get topological sorting";
9 - "Get the matrix of Floyd–Warshall Algorithm";
0 - "end";