
How can I play audio from my Rhasspy hub to the satellite?

ericgross opened this issue · 1 comments

I am running a MATRIX Voice and I do hear the beeps when it hears the wake word & such, but I have not been able to figure out how the hub can play the audio that it generates on the satellite.

I have tried setting Hermes MQTT hoping that somehow it might be routed to the satellite that sent the request, but the audio is not played.

I have also tried to POST the audio to the satellite via HTTP post but I don't think there is an API running as part of this project.

Does anyone have a working solution? I plan to have a bunch of satellites around the house so my goal is to route the resulting audio back to the device that was spoken to for playback.

You have to publish a message to your Rhasspy server with the sessionID and the text you want to Rhasspy to speak.
The Rhasspy Dialogue Manager will then send the audible response to the correct satellite.

Typically that message is published by the intent handler (like Home Assistant) you are using, check the Wiki of Rhasspy for some examples.

Also, if you need more help with this firmware you can post a topic in the Rhasspy Community