
Improper typeof check

Closed this issue · 1 comments

if (typeof window !== undefined) {
    window.AdderScript = adder;

should be typeof window !== "undefined"

this is causing the module to not work under node for me.

Fixed, thanks :)
There was also a confusion with which file to require in Node.js, that's also fixed.

If you want a quick test you can update Adder Script and run the following code:

var AdderScript = require("adder-script")

// init Adder environment (connect output to console)
    outputFunc: function(text) {console.log("output from script: " + text);},

// create a simple script and compile it
compiledCode = AdderScript.compile('print("Hello World!")');

// spawn a program and execute it
// the result will be an alert with the text "Hello World!".
var program = AdderScript.newProgram(compiledCode);

It should work properly.
Thanks again!