
Framework wants to load Swift but I use ObjC

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Hey guys I'm really loosing my mind here.

I installed Realm itself and that worked, then wanted to use this resultsController and its impossible for me to get this working. I tried installing it via Carthage with instructions how to install Frameworks from the Carthage site, from this github page everything. I just dont get it.

I always get:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/RealmSwift.framework/RealmSwift
  Referenced from: /Users/xyz/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3BF0D5DD-53D8-4996-A575-0D5D9F960DD7/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/0E868ED2-F66C-429A-99BD-F2D5DB7C7226/
  Reason: image not found

Why is RealmSwift.framework referenced? I installed Realm ObjC form their website. And I put like you can see RBQFetchedResultsController in my project and not SwiftFetchedResultsController.

While it makes no sense, I added the ReamSwift.framework too but that doesnt end well because well its no swift project.

Any tips how to get this working?
When Carthage is getting the resultsController its also downloading Realm.framework. Should I use this version? Or whats up with that.

Thanks guys
I hate those linking errors...

Figured it out.

For everyone and maybe this should be on the Install page:

If its an objective-c project there might be a flag set to NO which should be YES

In your projects Build Settings, the flag Embedded Content Contains Swift Code should be YES.

You have to include the RealmSwift.framework. Didnt realize this was required.