
KeePassOTP hotkeys do not work on Russian sites

Closed this issue · 2 comments

f1h0 commented


installed windows 10 and installed keepass
immediately installed the wonderful keepassOTP plugin
on my computer, the keyboard shortcuts are shift+alt+2.
when I previously had Windows 7, a window appeared where the 2FA pin code was automatically entered.
Now this window has disappeared on the new Windows 10, but this is not a problem. The problem is different, my 2fa pincodes are no longer entered on Russian sites
on all other sites is entered easily

What am I doing asking for help?
I also checked the websites.
chrome and yandex browser, 2FA pincodes automatically by pressing hotkeys do not work on Russian sites
so far noticed on and

Steps to Reproduce

  1. installed the keepassOTP plugin from
  2. went to the site or entered authorization data
  3. I'm waiting for the 2fa pin code request window to appear
  4. I press the hot keys shift + alt + 2 these keys are not occupied by the system or other programs
  5. I expect that there will be an automatic entry of the pin code
  6. nothing happens

Expected Behavior

so that the pin code is automatically entered by pressing the hot keys shift + alt + 2

Actual Behavior

actually on Russian sites and
pin code is not entered


OS: windows 10 pro build 19044.1826
KeePass Version: 2.51
Plugin Version: 1.5.0

I can't reproduce this.
It sounds like KeePass is not able to match the website and the entry.

Does it work if you use a different hotkey?
Do the website title and the entry title match?
Does auto-type of username/password work for yandex?

If you can answer all 3 questions with Yes, please do the following

  1. KeePass -> Options -> Advanced -> In the Auto-Type check Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog
  2. Retry Auto-Type
  3. What happens?

For Yandex I tried those two approaches. Both are working.

  1. Create an entry with entry title Авторизация (This is the website title of
  2. Crewate an entry with entry title Yandex and an custom auto-type sequence like this:
    Again, Авторизация is the website title that I tested.
f1h0 commented

great, it worked.
also corrected URL conditions added signs *... *
I'm closing the issue as resolved