
hotkeys for entering OTP code 2FA instagram site does not work

Closed this issue · 8 comments

rdbox commented


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Added 2fa authorization to the application
  2. Added a seed code to keepassOTP, everything worked successfully.
  3. I press hot keys so that the code is automatically entered, there is no reaction to pressing the keys

Expected Behavior

after pressing the keys, a temporary code should be automatically added to the authorization input field

Actual Behavior


OS: win 10
KeePass Version: 2.52
Plugin Version:

at this stage I press there is no reaction


My plugin does not change the way global auto-type works.
Having said that:

  • How did you set up global auto-type? (KeePass options "An entry matches...")
  • What's the site's title as shown in your browser?

Do you by change use WebAutoType as well?
If yes, please use its "Create Entry from Web Page" hotkey and attach a screenshot of the created entry.

rdbox commented

i have auto-type set to page url

then I press hot keys to enter OTP
and I see how slippage occurs and is pressed
key {ENTER} as in my settings

I've seen this behavior on different sites.


What do you mean by that?

How did you set up global auto-type? This refers to KeePass options in the AutoType action starting with "An entry matches..."
What's the site's title as shown in your browser?

I created a new test account and I'm able to logon withput any issues.
Only thing I observed: I have to place the cursor manually into the OTP field. If I don't do that, using Auto-Type does not have an effect

Global Auto-Type for username & password: Ctrl + Alt + A
Auto-Type for OTP: Alt + Shift + 2 as shown in your screenshot

rdbox commented

here is the video



I can't reproduce this.
It sounds like KeePass is not able to match the website and the entry.

Does it work if you use a different hotkey?
Do the website title and the entry title match?

Please do the following

KeePass -> Options -> Advanced -> In the Auto-Type section check Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog
Activate debug mode for KeePassOTP as described here
Retry Auto-Type

What happens?

Close KeePass and attach the debug file.

rdbox commented

yes you were right the problem is in incorrect URL search
i added this rule
and everything worked
now I know how to correctly look for errors when the hotkey does not work automatically on the water when OTP.
you helped me find the instructions thank you.
Your plugin is the magic of automation and the genius of your ideas

Glad you solved it