
Password + token in clipboard

Closed this issue · 4 comments

First of all thanks for the great product, I'm using it extensively!
I was wondering if there is any way to copy in the clipboard directly a combination of the password and oath in the format "password,oath", even from commandline or in any other way. Can anybody advise? @Rookiestyle

What would be the use case for that?

in my specific case at the moment, I authenticate against an OpenVPN server, that requires the autentication method password+oath, comma separeted, in the same field, in a single authentication dialog. Would be awesome to have KeePassOTP to generate that

I do not plan to implement that.

You might be successful using Auto-Type in case Auto-Type in general is a feasible approach in your scenario.
A custom sequence like {PASSWORD},{KPOTP} should auto-type the password, followed by a comma and the OTP itself - assuming you did not change the default placeholder for OTP in KeePassOTP's options.

Some more details reg. Auto-Type:

If Auto-Type does not work out, you unfortunately have to do Copy&Paste twice.

it worked THANKS! I didn't realised I can get the same result with autotype, thanks a lot!