
C extensions/Cython vs pure python discrepancy

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The built wheel in pure python still has the issue I flagged in my previous problem (#3). Apparently the source in the .tgz file is ok (because that is what pip installs and it works on my machine), but for environments that need pure python (like pyodide), when the wheel is accessed, it still breaks.

There's some discussion here:

For some extra context, my project is trying to use pyhfst to run a script browser side, so I am using pyodide and pyscript. When I call pyhfst in my pyscript file in the browser, I get my original crash when reading in the transducer's alphabet. This does not occur when I run my pyscript file in my terminal (which has access to the updated version of pyhfst that was installed via pip)

Closer examination indicates that my error is not due to a problem in this package!