
Question: Text aligin - how to convert HTML tags into raw with markdownToDraft?

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Thanks a lot for wonderful library!
Am I doing something wrong and Im not sure Im misunderstand something?

As I know text-align is not available in markdowns, so I created just html styles and added it as option into draftDataToMarkdown method. Here is example of this configuration:

const draftToMarkdownOptions = (): DraftToMarkdownOptions => ({
  styleItems: {
    center: {
      open() {
        return '<p style="text-align: center;">';
      close() {
        return '</p>';
    left: {
      open() {
        return '<p style="text-align: left;">';
      close() {
        return '</p>';
    right: {
      open() {
        return '<p style="text-align: right;">';
      close() {
        return '</p>';

It works fine on online editor. But when I editing document i have to do the reverse operation. I mean I have those tags change into center, left, right elements of RawDraftContentState. I was trying (for center):

const markdownToDraftOptions = (): MarkdownToDraftOptions => ({
  blockTypes: {
    center: item => {
      return {
        type: 'p',
        mutability: 'IMMUTABLE',
        text: 'style="text-align: center;"',
        data: {
          tag: 'style="text-align: center;"',

What am I doing wrong? Or there is no possiblity to do this for now? Thanks in advice!