
Unnecessary hash symbol escape

Closed this issue · 7 comments

#hashtag is not considered as heading in markdown, as there is no space after #.
We should not escape it like this: \#hashtag, when converting from DraftJS to markdown.

Rosey commented

Thanks! I'll try to get to this but adding help wanted tag in case someone else is interested in fixing before I do :)

Rosey commented

I've merged a fix for this, will get out a release shortly!

@Rosey I see the issue still exists in 1.1.1

If the line starts from the #hashtag it got escaped - which is incorrect.

If word #hashtag it is working fine - no escape.

Rosey commented

argh, just looking

Rosey commented

Ugh, >Test <-- this needs to be escaped, #Test <- this does not. Thank you markdown.