
Spike: Reorganize tickets and projects

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As of current, this project is very... unkempt.

The aim of this ticket is to break necessary components into their required project. Further, tickets should be written to create the overall system with tickets in each project.

Each project should have its own development board.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Each large component of this system has been given its own board.
  • Tickets all represent actual defined work that must be finished.
  • Labels are added as necessary (Blocked/Blocker for example).
  • A milestone is created for project 2 completion which should track all work that needs to be done for the project.

4 Projects have been created. In order to reduce overall workload, I'm going to break this ticket down into a spike in each project for the AC#2 of this ticket.

I will also add a template for an issue for consistency across projects.

A blocked label has been added.

Further, a project 2 milestone has been created.

Only work remaining on this ticket is creating the design spikes for each project.

With #10, #11, #12, and #13 created, as well as 1fdf0fa all work required by the AC has been completed.