Aimless Travel

GitHub license

The app is a simple quiz that can help you choose your next travel destination!


Deployed application:

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
  • Node packages used:
    • sequelize
    • express
    • express-session
    • express-handlebars
    • dotenv
    • path
    • dotenv
    • connect-session-sequelize
    • mysql2
    • bcrypt
    • nodemailer


  • Go to and click "Start the Quiz".
  • After that you will be asked to login or sign up. Your password is protected as you're typing it in.
  • After that it will take you to our quiz page. Just answer the questions based on your interest and we will choose your next travel destination
  • Press "Click here for things to do!!" to be directed to a site that gives suggestions for your itinerary
  • Press "Send me my results" to get an email of your results using nodemailer
  • Press "logout" at any time to start from scratch

Known Bugs

None found.

Image provided by:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.



If you have any questions about the project, contact any of the contributors above.