

. create a node.js application that will generate a webpage displaying my team basic information with a quick access their emails and GitHub profile

Built With

. Node.js

. Inquirer

. jest

. javaScript

User Story

. I want to know what searched term

Acceptance Criteria

.Given a command -line that accepts user input .WHEN I am prompt for my team members and their information .THEn an HTMl filke is generated that will displays a nicely formatted team based on user input .WHEN I click on the email address in the HtML .THEN my default email and populates the TO filed of the email with the address .WHEN I click on GITHUB profile open open in new tab .WHEN I start the application .THEN I am propmt to eneter my team manager's name, employee ID, email address, and office number .WHEN I am presented with manager's basic information .THEN I am presented with the menu option to add an engineer or intern or to finished building my team .WHEN I select the engineer option .THEN I am prompted to eneter the engineer's name, ID, email, and Github userNAme, and taken back to the menu .WHEN I select intern option .THEN I prompted to eneter the intern's name, ID, email, and school, and taken back to the menu .WHEN I decide to finishe building my team .THEN I exit


. require installing node js, inquirer, and jest


.Rotimi Amao

Screen Shot

![Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 2 56 27 PM ![Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 2 51 58 PM