
Bug [7.3.1] - Something broken, storage quota exeeded

Closed this issue ยท 40 comments

just stuck on market section

deuxge commented

Do you have an error in the browser console ?

i did nothing - accidently started to work.
the "stop stuck" was about 30-40 minutes

deuxge commented

Ok I will have a look

Are you sure those 30' did not correspond to the day switch when events ends and competitions are disabled for 30' ?
There is a flag in the control panel to stop operation during those 30'.

no. the bug appeared at 19+ of evening time
and dissapeared in night (i dont remember right now, but it was near 23.00+)

So, if there is no bug, the ticket can be closed.

i am waitnig what deuxge will say after "looking"..
if not - yes, it can be close.

deuxge commented

So, if there is no bug, the ticket can be closed.

There is one. "exeeded the quota" in console.
This is when there is too much data in local storage for the same website (all scripts and the game included).
I have some ideas but it may not be easy when we encounter the issue.
Because if the script fails to store something, I can only delay the action and need to ensure it can continue other stuff...

You can see what I'm talking about in F12 => application / storage => local storage and session storage.
If you tried some script you do not play with anymore. (example hh++ bdsm AND ocd) It could help to go there and remove everything to free space with unused data.

so.. close?

deuxge commented

For me no, it's not the first time someone face this.
It is just not entirely the bot fault (itself)

deuxge commented

To try to avoid such issue, at first I would
go to the bot menu of each game and save bot settings (to appy it again after)
then go to
F12 => application / storage => local storage and session storage.
then expand and right click on the game url => clear (for each game and both storage). It will remove everything for our script and others.
Then refresh game, go to bot menu and load settings.

This will ensure there is no data from old scripts not used anymore.

Then if you still face it, you may need to wait the updates I'm working on

did it. in all games.
all the same
still not working

deuxge commented

I know chrome is strict with this and you can't change the size of this quota.
opera and firefox you can change;
Opera: opera:config -> Domain Quota For localStorage
Firefox: about:config ->

If you want to play many games, maybe you should change to such browser (maybe only for the games).
I don't have any issues with Firefox without changing this (but I play only one game).

I planned to

  • reduce store content information saved
  • reduce logs
  • clean logs when quota exceeded
deuxge commented

Could you open browser console (F12) (in the failing games)
and copy paste this :
(function(){ var allStrings = ''; for(var key in window.localStorage){ if(window.localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.localStorage[key]; } } for(var key in window.sessionStorage){ if(window.sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.sessionStorage[key]; } } return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length*16)/(8*1024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)'; })()
It will compute the size of your data stored, and paste the replies here.

deuxge commented

deactivate league powercalc could help (both)

need help

deuxge commented

you need to write with the keyboard "allow pasting" without the quotes

allow pasting
(function(){ var allStrings = ''; for(var key in window.localStorage){ if(window.localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.localStorage[key]; } } for(var key in window.sessionStorage){ if(window.sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.sessionStorage[key]; } } return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length16)/(81024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)'; })()

still need help.
not pass throw.

deuxge commented

the allow pasting is just to remove the warning from chrome
then you don't need it any more

Only what was above: from
'Empty (0 KB)'; })()

then use enter key to execute


deuxge commented


did refresh and F12

deuxge commented

Seems you are missing stuf... copy again from this comment

(function(){ var allStrings = ''; for(var key in window.localStorage){ if(window.localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.localStorage[key]; } } for(var key in window.sessionStorage){ if(window.sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.sessionStorage[key]; } } return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length16)/(81024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)'; })()

deuxge commented

This code will not fix the issue !
It will help me to understand your issue
Edit I need what is display in the console after you execute it

the same

deuxge commented

Still you are missing the star operators : ((allStrings.length16)/(81024))

Oh it is the git display removing it :(

i am do copy of that

deuxge commented

(function(){ var allStrings = ''; for(var key in window.localStorage){ if(window.localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.localStorage[key]; } } for(var key in window.sessionStorage){ if(window.sessionStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)){ allStrings += window.sessionStorage[key]; } } return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length*16)/(8*1024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)'; })()

did enter and cursor are going into that place i marked and nothing happens

clicked enter twice

deuxge commented

you are missing a ")"
I missed it in the last one, just added it back

deuxge commented

Good news it works.
Bad news I was not expecting such low value
Now I'm lost :(
But Ok I will investigate further

deuxge commented

I have pushed what was ongoing (clean logs when such issue occurs to try to help)
I'm not sure about the benefit but at least in the logs something will be written. Today there is only browser console error.

I have also remove some data from the storage and it seems it should solveyour isssue.
I don't know why now it fails and not before.
Tell me if it helps.

it helped
in both "problem" games - started to do League fights after i manualy updated the bot just now
will be observe.

all works. not do stuck.
can be close, i think.