
[TODO] Feature Roadmap

Closed this issue · 31 comments

The place to discuss future features, suggestions and all related stuff really. Nothing too fancy.

Permanent Tributes, for decentralised realms. [For next CK2 Version]

  • Examples would be the Starks, Karstarks and Greystarks. Although not vassals, and not obligated to assist in wars, they are expected to pay tribute to the Starks and will be protected for them.
  • Marches will be established as protectorates or tributes of their respective realms.

Mandate of China for Valyria [For next CK2 Version]

  • The Valyrian Viceroyalty would be turned into a republic entity known as the Valyrian Territories with the various free cities serving it as permanent tributes (if they break the tribute agreement in any shape or form, the Valyrian Viceroy can re-establish it over them).
  • The Mandate of China mechanic will be used to represent Valyria itself. Depending on how exactly the mechanic works, it may give us the ability to set up special mechanics for Valyrians in Westeros, who may seek the favour of Valyria and through that favour boons to be used in their conquest of this new land.

AI Conversion to The Seven

  • Pulse event in which missionaries or priests arrive in the cities of various realms. Chance to convert local provinces in the process, and the ability for the ruler (be it a Count, Duke or King) to convert to the Seven. Affecting by traits - ie a zealous Old Gods will only have the option to mount their head on a spear. Each time you refuse, a variable is modified. Execution ups it further - the higher it is, the greater the threat of...
  • Invasion threat for realms that refuse to convert. Considerably more likely to fire for southern realms, very rare for the Neck and North. Spawns a sizeable stack of LI/HI/A but should be easy enough to deal with so long as the realm is stable.
  • MA of target and of the perp religions taken into account. For example, if the Seven is doing very poorly then there will be no missionaries going out, as they will be too busy sheparding the faithful. If Old gods has very low MA, people will willingly abandon the Old Gods.
  • MA of Old Gods will determine if there are 'defenders of the Weir' or similar. Just as a priest who has been killed or expelled may raise troops, high MA Old Gods may get free men to defend themselves with.


  • Fix the graphics relating to straits. For whatever reason they are not visible on the map.
  • Add straits between: Arbor, Wyneshield, Wyneport, and Oldwyne. Add a strait from Blood Bridge to either jackal's den or Brimstone, and Ghaston grey to the greyport, and from Cape Wrath to Turtlemont. Probably could do with more straights in the Stepstones and Iron Isles.

Top-Heavy Building System

  • Lower level settlements should be almost worthless, to avoid settlement stacking exploitation. Higher level settlements should be worth increasingly more, with each upgrade offering a larger bonus than the last.
  • Many more resources with a county-capital only production tree which can result in the discovery of resources (or upgrading of natural resources).
  • Local modifiers triggered/assigned by the presence of structures in a province, so that they affect all holdings in a province. Example would be Vierwood/Warlord's suggestion that the twins have a province-wide boost, or a cost reduction for provinces with stone/timber mines.

Extended and Reworked CB

  • There should be two categories of CB - Justified and Unjustified.
  • Purpose of Justified is to allow easy war against neighbours of differing religions. Cheap, but largely involving the conversion of entire realms or, under certain circumstances, annexation of entire realms based on religious justification.
  • Purpose of Unjustified war is to allow constant warfare against neighbours. Two types of CB will exist; a series of CB for the Seven with high prestige and piety costs and then a series of CB for the other faiths which is somewhat cheaper and more freely usable, but involves vassalisation instead of annexation.
  • No usable CB for the free cities beyond tributary CB.
  • Colonisation CB for the Pentoshi, to be used against Andalosi provinces. Cheaper than fabricating a claim, but comes with a small gold and prestige cost.

Mountain Clans Expansion

  • Divide the mountain clans into at least 8 clans; suggestions were the First Flints, Norreys, Burleys, Harclays, Wulls, Liddles and Knotts. More can be added as there were apparently other less noteworthy clans.
  • The Highlordship should likely not be handed out, as by all accounts each clan was sworn to the King in the North directly, rather than to a clan based in the region (in other words, there was no duke). Title could be formed by a clan, so long as it is powerful enough to actually expand to claim the high lordship.

Some things I have been thinking about:

  • Night's Watch: Playability being of main importance, and potential of random culture and religions being there. Interaction with the wildlings (settling them, fighting them, etc).

  • Wildlings: They should be more than just tribal rulers. Might just need some kind of system which would cause them to hate one another and constantly fight.

  • Dragons & White Walkers: Something needed to represent them, but mainly as ferocious weapons. I think bigger than some kind of "special" army unit though. On white walkers/Others, this might be more crazy because I do think there will end up being some reason they are invading, not just walking south. If not though, maybe a random 1% chance a year that they spawn, perhaps connected to winter being around.

Keep them coming! If anyone has any other ideas, please put them forth. Anything can go on the roadmap, although priorities may be shifted (nothing stopping someone from grabbing the lowest possible priority suggestion though, but I'll generally work from highest to lowest).

I've got a Night's Watch event chain that I wrote. It's rather poorly done, so I will be rewriting it but it does however sort out the issues of culture, gender and religion in the NW. As for the Wildlings, I guess we could give them lots of free CB and offer events that give them event troops for waging war against one another?

Not sure where we're going with dragons at the moment, and I'm not sure if we'll be adding white walkers - they don't really have a presence at the moment from what Zero told me (under the impression they were relatively recently 'destroyed' by the first men and the children of the forest), with the wildlings being the biggest threat. Could be mistaken though.

Thats good you have an event that accomplishes that! :)

I definitely don't care too much about White Walkers, but dragons I really do because they were around and used.

Yeah, dragons are 100% going to get added, but how is a big question.

We could use the artifact system, but it does have the downside that dragons will be an object to be owned and used, and not something named or with personality. Not entirely bad IMO, since dragons at this point were very numerous and it would be much easier for us to do.

Plus another user (iirc) suggested it on PDX forums, which implies it may not be such a bad idea even if much more simplistic or lazy. The system the AGOT mod uses is a lot more complex, and to create something like it would not be too easy I think.

I could tbh rebuild the character representation mechanic for dragons pretty easily. I could do a lot with respect to setting this all up. I could even use this as a mechanism to store multiple dragons on one character. Further, the advantage to dragons as characters is the ability to store variables on them. Which apparently, you cannot do at the moment with artifacts. Artifacts have a number of issues mechanically speaking if I am honest.

Only when you try and do things with artifacts which are extremely odd, such as represent living entities with them

But Black, I wouldn't be Zarathustra if I was not seeking to do very odd things! About the only thing really needed though to use artifacts as a living creature would be the ability to store variables on them. Considering we can pseudo-scope to them, it does almost seem as if it will be possible at some point :D

It is unlikely to be added any time soon, there is no need at all for it in vanilla and in most mod cases there is no need for it either.

Yes there is that. Tbh, the inability to store variables is really the single biggest detriment to trying to do mounts as artifacts in general. A Character mechanism does have a significantly higher modular character with respect to what can be done. Further for ability use, and even with respect to including them in an all inclusive variation of a duel engine that merges martial and dragon combat there are no real differences between having them as characters or as artifacts, as in all semblances a dragon is going to just be a physical representation of the variable occurring behind the scenes. To use a bad analogy, all a character implementation over an artifact implementation gives is the ability to have individual progression to dragons, in effect enabling some measure of power growth in a beast over time that somewhat reliable and predictable.

Ideally all functionality would span across objects but there are more pressing things to get done, there have still been many significant modding improvements for 2.8 though.

Also it allows the Dragon Lords to have multiple dragons that they can ride. Kinda cool.

Don't get me wrong, I am not critiquing you guys, more I am simply expressing a reality. In this circumstance what is needed is an ability to store variables on an object. Characters remain the most flexible at this time.

Vierwood multiple dragons are possible in any situation to be honest, you just need to script the interaction with them to recognise and engage with it.

Yeah it is a very minor tweak to do so, in AGOT we just made the design choice to not let someone hoard dragons and have like 10 on their own.

Vierwood to be more precise, ostensibly a dragon is just an object to store particular variable and script values on. You could make dragons be titles if you wanted to and it would still be valid, as all effects of dragons essentially run through variable and script definitions. it is why from an object coding perspective a character dragon is ideal at the moment due to the ability to set variables and flags on the object. If you could do this with an artifact then it would be more properly viable. When I first made the suggestion on the forums I had assumed it possible to set flags and variables on artifacts, but increasingly, to have any progression in a dragon, you would need to in essence store the variables on the character who owns the dragon, for better or for worse. Again not too much of an issue but then the multiple dragons problem does begin to get a little worse. Further you cannot do things like have a dragon with black fire, and all dragons mechanically would be equal unless a directly higher tier was swapped too. There would be no organic growth in them and no differences between their powers, instead all that would need to be tracked on a character, and then them swapping the artifact would only change an icon, all the numbers and powers and variables would remain the same.

All I'm saying is it's nice how you can easily choose which dragon you want to ride at that moment. Instead of having to do something fancy through a decision.

Also Dragon hoarding was kind of a thing with the Valyrians.

Yeah I get what your saying, but it does have a number of script related issues unfortunately. Most notably, dragons become entirely irrelevant as there is no progression in their power, so they are all exactly the same. And as the source material has shown, all dragons are not created equal.

Recent commits have resulted in independent merchant republics and hopefully a republic freehold. This is a WIP change in prep of the Jade Dragon DLC, so we can set Pentos and so on as tributes of the Freehold, rather than vassals.

This will allow a 'Republic Overlord' to Republics situation and allow better simulation of the actual freehold-republic relations.

Latest commits deal with the mod's CB. It is not final, but a significant step towards a smoother experience in regards to conquest. There are more CB, and infamy changes have been made to the CB. Generally war is easier.

I've added conquest versus subjugation, and allowed AI to use them now (the railroading just reduces the factor by a bunch load, instead of stopping all war). Hopefully the CB stuff should make more sense now and should be more robust.

  • Costs vary from conquest to subjugation, with subjugation costing less.
  • Conquest is limited by number of held respective titles, so you cannot keep on conquering Duke level titles when you already have three, for example. If you're a King, you cannot directly conquer any Duke titles.
  • Subjugation becomes available once you are of a higher title level than the target title.
  • Coastal restrictions are no longer based on preset titles, but adjusted according to whether or not your held Demense is coastal or not. Some cultures have absolutely no restriction with county conquest.

Religious CB is planned for cases where you are of x title, looking to directly conquer land with the intention of replacing the rulers in question with rulers of your religion.

Latest changes:

  • Missionary Event Chain. Very simplistic, but will spawn events that can result in conversion. Game rules can affect what regions get these events. At the moment only Rhllor and The Seven faith spread through this method, but if desired I can add any other religions to the list.
  • Uprising Event. Spawns rebel stacks in provinces of the Pirate and Wildling cultural groups if controlled by a foreign culture.

I'll be simulating their unstable nature through shaky succession and the potential collapse of realms if the new ruler isn't strong enough. However, I could also give them the uprisings too if you/you guys think it'd add to the experience at all!

I like shaky succession and collapse for sure! lol
Just things we'll have to check and tweak as we play and get reports from people.

Just a heads-up in case it was missed -- Night's Watch events have been partially re-added.

NW rulers, count rank and up, should be stripped of marriage and given the correct traits now. Will either add a way to banish characters to the wall, or will introduce an infrequent event that generates a variety of characters down the line.

So, after playing for around 30-40 years across 2 playthroughs, I have some thoughts on the uprisings for pirates and wildlings. Is there a way to make them larger, more adventurer-type/style wars? I am already getting tired of these small revolts and I guess i'd like the impact to be bigger than just like a peasant rising. Maybe an event which goes after titles only duke level or higher, to replace those characters? So if a pirate dude was to hold Bloodstone, then maybe have it where a newly created pirate dude "pops" up with an army and declares war for the duchy.

Entirely possible, I can look at doing that if I get any free time. Guess it'd be as easy as just having the revolts have a war for a held duchy title (or de jure) rather than independence of the revolting county.

What do you guys think of making some religions reformable? I am thinking perhaps only in Essos. All reforming would do is make them more able to withstand bigger (more notable) religions and maybe some military effects, as well as unlocking their holy order (in reality more like a Zealot army). And, mostly, give players something to do - especially if you are a count and dont want to expand at all.

So, I have fleshed out the far_east religions Vier added, and am slowly adding them in with the secret_religion code.

I took a look at all the lore, and made a list of ones we could add (but I do request that I add them on my own). I would LOVE a system or something similar where these religions have a small chance to spread even if it is ahistorical. Religions are such a great thing in ck2, and encourage more diverse play, in my opinion. This could be even a game rule, where people could select % chance of having one of these pop up anywhere vs not having them at all. And maybe something where its a ruler converting first or the province converting.

Here is the list:

sarnor, qarth, lady of spears, ibben, great shepard, naath, sailor gods, black goat of qohor, bakkalon, lorathi gods, father of waters

@Altemio @Vierwood

We can easily allow jewish-style characters entering your court, and depending on your traits versus theirs (such as if you're cynical and they are zealous of their religion) you can possibly convert.

Lol I am okay as long as AI would do it too :)

On buildings and tech, I cant seem to get tech levels to work the way they should. So like I have set a place (say the Westerlands) as having 2.0 across the board in year 1, and 2.0 across the board in year 9999. I wouldn't be so finicky about these levels, but they control whats built in a province, and I would like for a place to have enough tech to make provinces have their unique structures and notable castles/forts, but yet not enough tech where they have every building built at start. When I make it like the above example, it ends up with no buildings being built (even no unique) which then makes the area boring since no one has any troops, and also makes it hard to represent the province throughout history. Like, Oldstones is not classic Oldstones without its unique castle, which we want, and when setting tech, I can never seem to get the unique to appear without giving tons of other buildings built like its 1300s vanilla ck2. While this might be intended for wildlings, per se, its not something you want. the game has lots of cbs, and we want people to use them! :)

This is why I realize the devs of AGOT disabled tech early on. Its a pain in the arse!

I apologize for the rambling on this, but its been on my mind lately and confusing me, when I thought I understood tech and buildings well!