
[June/July Release] Current Issues / Plans

Closed this issue Β· 162 comments

Please dump known issues or TODOs here - steam isn't really an efficient place, as I use steam on my phone and therefore am unable to usually keep track of reports made to me directly.

Will add more in a bit. Please contribute whatever needs to be done for this month's release.

Ruler Designer Crash:

  • Issue is being caused by custom portraits. Removal of custom portraits solves the crashing.
  • Survey event needs to be fixed, I don't know what the problem is.
  • The Knight honorary title is not being given out to anyone.
  • Weirdwood event spams.
  • Mass desync on the first day of a multiplayer game.
  • Survey Event

Ingame use the decision, then use test_event commands to check to see if the events are even registering and/or if you are meeting the criteria..

  • Knight Minor Titles

Not entire sure why. Going to need to look into this. Hopefully getting a five day weekend this weekend, so I'll be able to look into a bunch of things.

  • Weirwood Event Spam

Work in progress, so to be expected. It shouldn't fire at all now.

  • Mass Desync

Run a game, let it desync as the host and then upload all logs here so I can go through them and see if anything was reported. It is almost certainly going to be an event related issue.

Though I wonder if your weird portrait issue (causing RD crash) could be somehow related. We're seeing lots of character weirdness, including crashing when selecting certain characters according to reports.

[triggerimplementation.cpp:25250]: Script Assert! message: is_offmap_tag: invalid scope, assert: "Scope.GetCharacter()->IsValid()", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/jd_grace_decisions.txt line: 1425"

Lots of errors like this in the files we use with the offmap...

I would like if someone could look into these type issues, as well as why the player is not getting notified when the Freehold does something (status change, new ruler, war declared, etc) - as someone who likes to know what all is going on, this is upsetting me ! lol

I am also getting weird error log stuff with the severe_disability_trigger in scripted triggers. it says its invalid for some reason, yet everything looks fine and (i think) is same as what vanilla has.

@Altemio the missionary event is semi-broken. If you challenge the priest and he rises up his army quickly disappears and the war ends inconclusively.

Thanks, will look into it when I'm out of work, if I get a chance.

Also given tanner's work on retinues, should we consider adding them? Or just leave them as a free-cities feature?

IMO, with looking at lore more, I think our inclusion of mercenary bands (we are going to have much more than vanilla) means we dont need to use retinues. Armies were always levies, and mercs.

I agree with the mercs being retinues. Lux Invicta has a system where holy orders act more like regiments and legions for certain nations.

@tannerflick4 also one thing I've noticed is the cultural buildings seem to be a little overpowered. I'd quarter the amount of troops they give, 1000 men for 350 seems kinda overkill.

@Altemio check your steam chat.

Ok. I can fix that. I guess I just wanted to have a building which could give a lot. But I understand it needs to be balanced.

Edit: Quartering the troop amounts is working good.

By the way, someone is working on some more unique buildings for us with descriptions too. He/she said they should be 95% accurate to the lore.

@Altemio @Vierwood what are your plans for our next release, and when?

@Vierwood I don't have steam access from work - my sister has been using my account, so if she hasn't been offline on chat then it isn't me ignoring messages. Will read them when I get a chance, having a long week and will be off tuesday/wednesday (or wednesday/thursday, I've forgotten).

@tannerflick4 We'll be having a release this month. Whilst some teams do weekly releases, I think it'd be better and safer to do monthly given our team size. Plus it does mean each update will seem and feel more substantial. No real plans other than bug fixing, since adding more when the mod itself is borderline broke probably ain't great as far as ideas go.

Thanks for the response. I sent a Steam chat message a week or so ago, but you don't need to reply now :)

I too agree on the monthly update. Somehow, people are really having problems getting the mod to "tick" in the launcher and/or load up, as well as crashing during game, which is weird since I can load it up and run it for long periods (observe) in game. So I offered some private shared links, but that didnt seem to help. I had thought Steam was the problem maybe, but apparently its just the mod.

I have been real happy at some of our edits and fixes and small additions since the last update.

If they can't tick/enable it via the launcher, that is due to it still downloading - this is going to be a common reported issue due to the size of the mod and the joy that is steam (and is, even. If the mod doesn't show, it is likely because they have the launcher open on sub OR they opened the launcher too quickly after subbing). Part of the reason why I don't like Steam Workshop a whole lot.

Weird they can't enable the mod via manual download, no reason for that.

Lot of crashing is likely going to be due to owning certain DLCs or not owning certain DLCs and the events we have. Not that they are requirement, but more an issue of how we've bung a bazillion events in and have been slowly modifying them rather than adding fully adapted ones from the get-go.

Also a DLC portrait pack for our mod was released on the workshop with my blessing. At least I don't have to do that now.

So, should we enable it or do your portrait edits already include dlc assets?

My portraits don't enable DLC portraits. His submod is really good as far as I can tell.

ok. so would you reccomend enabling them all the time?

@Vierwood Still need to fix our 'vanilla' portraits though... Just grab a version from before the crashing, and re-merge your changes testing each step of the way (if you haven't fixed the crash already, that is!)

@Altemio the guy who made the DLC portrait pack is also making a CPR+ pack. While he was working on it he apparently fixed the crash. I'm going to give him our current dev version so he can fix it.


Hey @Altemio can you look into why buildings are being repeated/duplicated? Its some of the regular buildings, and were getting reports of some oddities showing up. I tried to look but couldnt find anything wrong.

@tannerflick4 is this player report, or behaviour we are seeing from our end? What holdings if so?

If it is player sided behaviour, then it will likely be due to them using other mods in conjunction with our mod.

I can recall seeing some repeats, but didnt take too much note of them, assuming it might just be user error on my part. I will keep a close eye on them from now on.

@Altemio I have been talking with a map modder who goes by Shade & Bonelorde, and he wants to know if he can check our map out and potentially make changes with trees, and colors, etc.

I told him I would message you on here about it.

I ran the mod all last night and it went for around 900 years before crashing.

That is really good! I cant believe it went that long. I would have thought 500 years.

Shouldn't crash at all, sadly. If you crash, please zip up and send me all of your log files, so I can go through them and see if we saw any major errors. Aim down the line is to have zero errors.

A lot of people are reporting crashes with various characters and cultures too...

(from work)

@Altemio - I did find some castle buildings which were being repeated. This screenshot was taken in the Stormlands.


Easy fix - when you copied the castle resource building tree, you didn't change castle to temple (see my commit) so all of their buildings were for castles.

Oh gosh lol. Thanks for finding that fix!


@Altemio @Vierwood we have another bug on our hands. The peasant revolts and religion revolts are not being launched against anyone in an actual war, nor do they exist for very long. I was finally able to grab this guy's pic on the day he was created. There are no invalid war or 1 day peaces being made, or if they are they are not logging correctly. I did notice a few lines in error log dealing with rebel events old gods file.

Also, the wildlings who hold a castle are being switched to Westerosi Feudalism government. And we probably need a diff icon for the BTW old gods heresy, since right now it uses the faith of the seven icon lol

That would be the missionary events, which have been fixed internally (I think), as I was a dumbass and copy-pasted the events from vanilla without adjusting the scopes - so there is nothing wrong with the event itself, it was just not picking the correct target (the event was originally meant to be fired from a province rather than a character)..

Gotcha! Hah no problem. I figured it was something with the scope tying it to whoever rules the province.

Your icon and Wildling Government issues should now be fixed!! :)

I've just added modifiers to every single culture. Not all are meant to be equal, but feel free to tweak, nerf or buff.

--from work, as usual

Next problem :) - the Smith heresy I added, it seems to be throwing up errors related to its secret religion code, yet I have been through it and nothing was missing, although I did take out the ability to secretly convert to the Seven heresies through their holy site provinces. If you guys could take a look, that'd be great. There is still some more secret religion tidying to do, but Smith (and other on-map & possible religions) have all been completed. This might just be some error log being wonky too.

Mind popping the errors here? I'm at work for 9-12 hours a day with erratic days off (during which I either have nothing to do with computers or simply game) so I can't pull any logs.

These are odd too, since it all seemed to check out fine in files:

[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: mercenary, near line: 3808" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: excommunicated_ruler, near line: 4225" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: bid_for_independence, near line: 4392" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: depose_liege, near line: 4653" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: overthrow_ruler, near line: 4817" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: overthrow_ruler_no_calls, near line: 5011" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: change_gavelkind_succession_law, near line: 5147" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: lower_crown_authority_law, near line: 5330" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: lower_tribal_organization_law, near line: 5508" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: coastal_republic, near line: 5686" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: coastal_county_republic, near line: 5855" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: weaken_vassal_plot, near line: 6066" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: decadence_invasion, near line: 6237" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: muslim_invasion, near line: 6445" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: cb_faction_independence, near line: 6771" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: embargo_cb, near line: 7178" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: seize_trade_post, near line: 7390" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: viking_invasion, near line: 7556" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: peasant_revolt, near line: 7973" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: heretic_revolt, near line: 8098" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: religious_revolt, near line: 8255" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: liberation_revolt, near line: 8412" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: duchy_adventure, near line: 8566" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: kingdom_adventure, near line: 8742" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: pagan_county_conquest, near line: 9683" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: dejure_county_claim, near line: 9994" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: dejure_barony_claim, near line: 10344" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: other_dejure_barony_claim, near line: 10608" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: other_dejure_county_claim, near line: 10653" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: depose_antipope, near line: 11194" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: cb_install_antiking, near line: 11356" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: rivalry_cb, near line: 12460" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: tributary_cb, near line: 12606" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: free_tributary_cb, near line: 13020" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: cb_install_khan, near line: 13383" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: nomad_dispute, near line: 13506" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: cb_liberate_nomad_duchy, near line: 13640" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: cb_minor_clan_revolt, near line: 13855" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: nomad_subjugation, near line: 14004" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: nomad_invasion, near line: 14350" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: nomad_expansion, near line: 14689" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: increase_council_power_war, near line: 15001" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: nomad_humiliate_cb, near line: 15164" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: powerful_vassal_takeover_war, near line: 15465" in file: "common/cb_types/00_cb_types.txt"
[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: allowed_to_target_suzerains, near line: 21" in file: "common/cb_types/02_tsk_unique_cb_types.txt"

in connection with above ?

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type default

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type permanent

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type offmap

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type nomadic

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type march

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type confederation

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type freehold_tributary

Smith stuff

[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 166"
[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 381"
[effectimplementation.cpp:1228]: Script Assert! message: Unknown modifier type!, assert: "_pModifier", type: "id", location: ""
[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 1787"
[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 1992"
[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: common/scripted_effects/00_scripted_effects.txt line: 17204"
[effectimplementation.cpp:1228]: Script Assert! message: Unknown modifier type!, assert: "_pModifier", type: "id", location: ""

CB Stuff:

Please let me know if any CB errors remain. Vierwood had manually commented out all of the lines of a few CB, so one of the lines had been left un-commented by accident (please use ctrl+shift+q in notepad++ to comment out entire blocks).

Guessing tributary stuff is related to the above too.

As for Smith, pushed a fix - also note the following:

[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 166"

Line: 166 is the line the error is occurring. Going to the erroneous lines, I can see:

secret_the_smith_community hasn't been defined.
secret_harpy_community hasn't been defined.

Thanks. Glad we got this fixed. I sometimes forget the event_modifiers file since its not as heavy with SR code than others. And I'll check out that line.

CB errors are gone, although those "tributary cb invalid" lines are not.

@Vierwood - this event seems to invalidate the next event and might have something to do with whats in the "if" statement:

Bastard Nickname Effect

character_event = {
id = tsk.0115
desc = EVTDESCtsk.0115
picture = GFX_evt_greekwoman
border = GFX_event_normal_frame_religion'
hide_window = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
    if = {
      limit = { trait = bastard	}   


option = {
	name = EVTOPTAtsk.0115


Working event below (already committed). There were a few issues with that event:

  • It was firing for every character born - even those who are not bastards. It would only assign an effect to bastards, however. Well, if it weren't for...
  • The fact that the bastards effect wasn't actually firing. It needs a scripted_whatever_effect = yes
  • Since we hide the window, there isn't a need for an option - this is what immediate is for (beyond say, wanting to impose effects instantly to prevent holding - where you don't press the option until you've performed preemptive actions knowing something will happen).
  • There was a rogue quotation mark, which was likely the main cause for stuff being broken.
character_event = {
    id = tsk.0115
    desc = EVTDESCtsk.0115
    picture = GFX_evt_greekwoman
    border = GFX_event_normal_frame_religion
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    potential = {
        trait = bastard

    immediate = {
        bastard_nickname_mother_effect = yes

@Vierwood the above also probably fixed the knightly minor title...

Danke, I'm still learning all this event shit, so don't expect it to be pretty.

Also the minor title still isn't being given out through the history files, so I doubt this would fix it.

Still getting the bastard event effect even for normal kids.


Yeah, I derped and used potential = { } instead of trigger = { } but at least we know the event works now. Since been fixed.

I also fixed the broken event modifiers, we were using a province.gfx file from before jade_dragon. It also had a lot of province culture related changes, but not sure from where. If need be you guys may need to remerge your changes.

@Altemio @Vierwood Do we want to let people test out the mod? A discord server member asked.

I would be okay with it if you two are. I guess we would give them the latest github commit in a zipped form, so they cant spread the link.

I don't see why not. As long as we're not breaking any forum rules. cough cough

Yes I agree. I just want to make sure we are all 100% with it.

Yeah it's fine - although I wouldn't recommend giving randos links. Quite a few people asking for direct downloads don't own the game.

Hmm. What would be best way to let them test then?

Entirely up to you, so long as the link isn't publicly available. Avoid posting on the workshop, for example, as we've had people pestering who are steam level 0 and/or 1 and have little to no games (and non-private profiles) and don't own CK2.

Which is silly, given the base game is so cheap and was free to keep forever a few weeks ago...

Ok. I will be sure to avoid workshop.

@Altemio - this guy made a bug report, and I checked it out (everything seemed fine). Do you mind checking it though? Since you built the core buildings... It might just be he doesnt know much about ck2 buildings, but doesn't hurt to check.

"i found a building bug in the game there are the mines and sustance farming type buildings that need the small outlying settlement to be built a problem with that is that if ive built past the small outlying settlement it means that i cant build any of those type of buildings which while not save destroying certainly throws out alot of the buildings anyone know how to fix this?

edit:i messed about in the files a bit and i think just removing the prerequistie or adding in the higher levels as a enabled building type might fix it"

That report doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

So you have a resource building - say farms. Farms requires building 'Small Hamlet' which is say, the second building in the chain.

If you upgrade the 'Small Hamlet' to a 'Hamlet' and your farms require a 'Small Hamlet' when you've got a 'Hamlet' (higher level) built, you can still build those farms - because upgrades_from is a form of foldered prerequisite system that compacts buildings into a single chain.

Which means when you have, for example, a 'Town' built - Outlying Huts, Small Hamlet, Hamlet, Village, Large Village and Town are all actually built.

So as long as you have built the building 'Small Hamlet' you will be able to build farms.

Ok. I wanted to make sure it didnt sound crazy just to me lol.

I will write a report back to this guy and explain this to him, and tell him we fixed those duped buildings, which might be throwing him off as well.

We got one tester on Discord, so i'll be interested to see what he says.

Next thing: getting a lot of reports that the "House of " trait does not work very well. Usually it just says house . which doesn't seem helpful. Should we just make traits for each of the major houses ? Dynamic house trait doesn't seem to be easy to work with...

The house trait is a bit rough, since it relies on there being a great grandfather (so many characters will not have a fully working character due to there not being enough history) - I'll have to look and see if there is a better way of doing it.

Making individual traits for each house is something I sort of want to avoid, because no particular house should have an inherent advantage over another. And indeed any house should be able to acquire such a trait.

Might be able to create a custom localisation scope. Maybe, if that is possible, to try and find a characters 'original' dynasty, if that is even a possible lol.

Yeah I understand. I agree that it should be a general thing that anyone could get. If people ask, I'll just say we are tweaking with it.

So, our tester is saying it crashes for him about 15-20 years in. He handed over an error log, and here it is:

Also, he says the tributary cbs are being used quite a lot. And his crashes seem to be related to plots/plotting, and has heard from others its doing the same with them.

Getting this line a TON in the error log:

[triggerimplementation.cpp:8901]: Script Assert! assert: "false && "CIsWithinDiploRangeTrigger has the wrong Scope!"", type: "none", location: " file: common/scripted_triggers/00_scripted_triggers.txt line: 4180"

It is this piece of code:

#Found in the 00_offmap_powers file... and the conditions for the force open freehold decision
freehold_offmap_hostile_decisions_enabled_trigger = {
	offmap_freehold = {
		custom_tooltip = {
			text = freehold_offmap_decisions_enabled_trigger_war_tt #"Is at peace with Β§Y[From.GetTitledFirstName]Β§!"
			NOT = { governor = { war_with = FROM } }
		governor = {
			show_scope_change = no
			is_within_diplo_range = FROM
			hidden_trigger  = { NOT = { character = FROM } } #Governor cannot use boon/tributes decisions
		offmap_ruler = {
			NOT = { dynasty = FROM }
	hidden_trigger = { has_dlc = "Jade Dragon" }

the is_within_diplo_range = FROM is the line that keeps popping up, as well as this:

is_within_diplo_range = PREVPREV

Ran an observe this morning from 4 am to 7 am. It looked good, and was in 6770s when I ended it to get ready for work. There were a lot of tributes, but it kinda makes sense to me. Some things I noticed though:

  • @Vierwood the Ghiscari portraits are messed up, and since they took over Valyria around 6600 in this game, they had a lot of ethnicity in everywhere so definitely needs fixed. Orphans of the Greenblood need fixed too, I think.

  • There are snippets of the game.log showing "Khans" with wildling names, which needs fixed

  • Here is the error log so you guys can take a look at it. The observe was run after my last bugfixing commit from last night.

Only a few errors...

4/27 update: One of our testers said he went through 100+ years in observe, so thats good. But he said plots are really buggy, some going through fine, some crashing right on clicking the button (he even re-tried it 4-5 times in a row). My observations from playing a bit last night: Revolts are still not working correctly ... it spawns a peasant revolt for "province name here" but war never happens. Wildling revolters are being called khans. And reports from Steam keep saying they are getting crashes with the Starks, ... weird. I dont know what would make them crash like that on one family.

Tester also said cb's are really messed up. only thing available is establish tributary cb.

That event where it says you've castrated a boy still appears sometimes for no reason.

Bug reported by one of our testers.

Have a request made by a friendly tester who edited Yronwood terrain a bit on her own copy. She would like to know if @Altemio would be ok with letting her edit it and send the files to me.

Yep, that is no problem!

@Altemio -

BladedQueen would like access to the github, and a folder for her work. She would also like to edit parts of the map's topology and heightmap for certain islands and such, and would like to know how you did this for the map when we first started.


Very carefully, with a lot of GIMP and extensive trial & error, lol! Plus a bunch of custom brushes, some I made myself and others I grabbed online. So I'm not joking when I say extensive trial & error.

She'll need to provide her GIT username so I can added her as a contrib.

Cheers - I've added her - just pop her this link:

@Altemio Thanks! The Seven Kingdoms is already one of my favorite mods for CKII and I see so much further potential with it. Happy to help in whatever small ways I can. I have a basic grasp of map modding and have added bits of greenery to Dornish rivers. Contributions will revolve around minor lore-friendly terrain edits and polishing, and around 100 unique buildings + descriptions for review by @tannerflick4 once finished - current descriptions viewable here.

Also, if you could share your normal height map settings, I would appreciate it. Can't quite reproduce the original, and I don't want to touch that unless it meets your quality standards. This was my attempt, and this is a work-in-progress version of Estermont only editing topology/terrain/rivers. Even for a small island, it really does take a lot of trial and error. So far I've been converting terrain pixels to grey, pasting into topology, and smudging for slopes, followed by light Gaussian blur. It's a little flat without the normal map.

Update: Managed a MUCH closer approximation with Nvidia normal map filter in Photoshop, it's practically identical. I'll use this method if your exact GIMP filter settings don't work for whatever reason. Estermont now.

@BladedQueen Welcome to the team! We all appreciate whatever is contributed to this project - it wouldn't exist otherwise. Small details are often the most important, I think! ;)

100 Unique buildings on the other hand is no small task, just skimmed through and so far it looks pretty impressive. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

As for the normal map settings, your configuration seems more than close enough - I honestly can't tell the difference between either. Mind, mine is hardly perfect (you can actually see a lot of the contours because of it's strength), so if you want to play around with it (or anything else, really) to find something better, feel more than free.

And yeah, editing the topology is an absolute pain to get right. And @Vierwood wonders why I don't add rivers and islands willy-nilly... ;D

Plus side, having to deal with all that trouble gives one a huge amount of respect for all the map modders in the community!

(from work)

Agreed about the small details, they add to the sense of place. I'm excited about the unique buildings and hope the team and most users feel they fit in nicely after seeing them implemented. Besides plausible embellishment of description detail when it's missing, the vast majority should be quite consistent with the lore, as the wikis and official sources have been scoured through for every scrap.

The freedom to experiment is appreciated, I'll tinker around with the normal map settings to see if I can find something better, perhaps a bit softer, though I personally like how you did it. The shadowing is well-defined and does strongly accentuate landscape contours. I had it too soft on Estermont at first and it was a fat blobby hump. ;P

Status update on my end of things:

  • working on updating files to the 2.8.2 spring cleaning patch. I am through common folder - all to the best of my ability.
  • my northern overhaul for 6566 is complete - notes are in the changelog I just posted in the last commit.
  • riverlands will be looked at next

@tannerflick4 Awesome! You've been blitzing out changes like a madman! ;)

Sorry that I've not been too active in regards to development. Free time is scant due to work and I've actually been pretty ill the last few days, so I've not really made much progress with anything. However, given the general state of the mod we should be good to make a release this month.

In addition, I really need to get some time set aside to test Zara's stuff - I'd love to get some sort of duel system integrated, and that guy is a whizz with scripting. Might have to hook the systems up to a game-rule though, in case it has MP related issues.

Well, if MP even works with our base mod in the first place. Shrugs

Zara's script is horrifying πŸ˜‚

I'd call it crazy, and I'm surprised some of it works without completely breaking the game. On the other hand, I'm not sure if it does actually work on MP (without desyncing) and if it does work, how well.


@Vierwood @tannerflick4

I'm considering a major change to events - that we strip the mod of virtually all of them, keep the base bare-bones ones and then get all of the errors we've got going on fixed. The mod is a mess, and though tanner has cleaned the hell out of it, we've still got a gargantuan task ahead of us.

Since we've got permission for EMF mechanics and the sort, first thing we might do is try to bring in some of their stuff - so though we'll be lacking flavour and the sort, we'll have some 'base' mechanics to work with / from.

I am okay with that. EMF is definitely a good start/base, and we could go through events and make sure what we add back is for sure something which can be used in our mod's world/lore.

There is plenty of stuff you could make without just taking stuff from other mods as well, doesn't just have to be a pull of EMF stuff. Mod specific content would be good!

Think at the moment all @Vierwood wants to use is the faction system, surveying and some sort of coronation system from EMF. I'd prefer that he at least approach us with further propositions though, so we can actually discuss if the addition would be worthwhile (or not).

Mod specific content wise, proper adaptation of vanilla content so it works properly without 10 - 15,000 errors is higher priority in my books, especially given that I have little time to mod (what is worse is that I haven't even played CK2 in over a month) - so we have, at the very least, a smooth experience to be built upon over time rather than what it currently is - a crashfest.

I too would like to hear about systems being added before we actually do so. EMF was a surprise for me.

I'm OK with using any mechanic from EMF at some point, especially the Imperial Decay system.

@Vierwood We've gathered as much, but it'd be good to know exactly what those features do and what exactly they will add to the mod if integrated. Like you're suggesting the Imperial Decay System - mind elaborating as to what it is and why we need it?

Basically I'm not all too OK with adding random stuff for the sake of it, unless it will enhance the experience (like I don't want the mod to just turn into HIP on a Westeros map, y'know?). And if we can adjust or adapt a mechanic to make it a little more TSK tailored, suggestions would be welcome in that regard.

In short HIP and AGOT are my favourite CK2 mods, but I don't want TSK to end up being either - otherwise why wouldn't I/we just play either?

@Altemio what kind of events would we remove for now? All of the events I've done are very basic and shouldn't be causing any issues.

Vanilla events mostly. Not for the next release mind, but will probably do it for the next major expansion/release, since we're going to have to merge changes and adapt events from that DLC anyway.

@Vierwood @tannerflick4

So what is our TODO list for our patch this month? Want to get a release out tomorrow ideally, so any ideas of what is broke? I know economy is completely shite right now, but I'll eventually get that sorted.

I haven't got everything updated yet. Got all the way through the common folder, but thats it. If one of you guys would want to update the rest (most likely just events and decisions) you can. I am not sure when I'll get to it.

I don't think anything is horribly broken right now, but haven't had much time to play the game though.

So, I guess first thing on the to-do list is finish updating to 2.8.2. Then I hope to keep working on my usual stuff.

Yeah I'm not sure what to update so I'll leave that to you @Altemio. In the meantime I'll start working on the next bookmark.

What is our next bookmark? the age of heroes? I will start working on it too once I get the main one all set vassal wise.

Yeah the Age of Heroes is the next one. It won't be hard to do.

Yeah. No rush please. But it will be fun πŸ‘


I updated decisions, although events I cannot - I am primarily using merging tools, and with the different way we have apparently coded events (or something with spaces/tabs) it doesnt find any specific differences, just says the whole file is "different".

The forum post here:

has some good insight. The rebellions in the Stepstones, Wildlings need to have some way of being curbed or stopped by a strong ruler. Do we have culture conversion in the mod?

Yes I remember we worked on them early on with reports from people playing.

I would prefer a way of "liberation" like you see in vanilla, where the rebel just takes everything he captures.

But those do sound good, as well. I think we definitely need a way to make it so that if you rule those areas long, they get rid of their "uppity"-ness. (long days at work make that the word I came up with lol)

Could tie it with the pirate ships and wildling barracks.

It'd be tied into another building, since we don't want to give foreign invaders those buildings ever.

Oh and as for vanilla events, I'm going to gut them and start them afresh. Too much is broken and was hacked in a while back just to get the mod ""working"" and unfortunately as a result we have a gargantuan task ahead of us if we want to fix them.

Ok. Sounds good with me!

@Altemio - for the cultural buildings, I have tied the castle ones into the ca_castle_town chain, where each level of cultural building requires a level in the castle town. Which ones should I tie with the city ones though?

@tannerflick4 how much more do you think needs to be updated?