
Beta6 Issues & Roadmap

Closed this issue Β· 286 comments

This issue is for our next release, Beta3. Please comment on any bugs and I'll get them added to this list.

If you've any major changes you're working on that you want clearly stated here (you don't need to, but just in case you're working on something that may need manual merging like map changes you may want to).

Current Roadmap:

From Rowan/Altemio

  • Introduce a new building system. The building system will be, for the most part, top-heavy with curved bonuses - as you pay more, you gain more. So higher levels will offer considerably larger rewards for construction. Resources on the other hand will be expensive to establish exploitation of, but will get cheaper and more rewarding to construct with each level.
  • Regional infrastructure will be handled through a local province modifier rather than a building (I was going to use an event to assign the modifier based on structure construction, but I think it will be possible to use a targeted decision), due to issues encountered with capital switching (since it was capital assigned) and/or issues with effects working as intended.
  • Clearly defined structures and requirements, with fewer chained requirements.

From tsf4

  • Character work: Last bits of 6566 and mostly, new stuff for Age of Heroes.
  • Regional Levy buildings, continuing to give them 10 levels and such.
  • Mercenaries, continuing to add them for each area of Westeros.
  • Validation work

From TitanRogue

  • a river connecting Greywater Watch with the Green Fork
  • bug fixing in general and some localisation (if I get to it); Looks like the Validator is updated so maybe I can figure out whats causing the weird jade dragon event locs
  • snowless mountain terrain for the obsidian isles and the iron isllands


  • Use targeted decisions to grow the settlement size so that we may have a combination of prestige, piety and gold costs for growth?

Known issues to be fixed:

  • It has been reported that feudal vassals have negative tax income?
  • Provincial revolts are too strong, however most of the time the rebel troops fail to spawn.
  • General MP stability (events in general)

Some issues:

Provincial revolts seem too strong, most of the time however the rebel troops never spawn.

Castrated boy event spam.

Lack of good conquest CBs like a generic county conquest CB.

We also need to make MP stable.

The Castrated event is firing repeatedly? That usually means we've got broken events... MP stability on the other hand is a longer-term project.

The ship route bug at The Neck is fixed. I've also added the forested river of Karhold and polished Dreadfort and the upper Green Fork's impassible border.

Future plans are to add or extend the following rivers; Milkwater, Wendwater, Tumblestone, Red Fork, Blueburn, Cockleswhent. Plus Red Lake. Some may have impassible sections or navigability with province shape adjustment. Feel free to alter any aspect of the map without worry, I can merge my changes around it.

Besides that, 13 unique buildings to add in after finishing the descriptions.

When does the castrated boy event spam?
It desn't appear in my game.

@TitanRogue seems very random, but it occurs most often after deciding on an event.

If you could get specific event examples that'd be great. Try also using debug_mode ingame so you can see event IDs. That likely means something is broken.

Yeah for some reason the issue only appears in some games. I restarted my single player game and the issue vanished.

I have never seen the event.

We've also gotten a bunch of reports about it.

When did they start? A specific date would help us to figure out what is causing it.

It's been in the game for a long time, I'm not sure how long though.

It was reported by players who were playing the mod with an incorrect CK2 version - I'm pretty sure it isn't so much as a problem with the event per se, since it is a totally vanilla event, but more of a problem with events being broken and for some reason that one firing when another event is FUBAR'd.

I've never actually seen it, but on the other hand I constantly crash...

@Altemio I uploaded some photos for the Workshop, they're a lot better than the current shitty ones.

Also we should upload a hotfix since I was able to finally fix the law clusterfuck.

Which commit was able to fix it?

The "Bishopric Fix" one. I just went through all of the succession laws and re did them.

Awwwwesome! I'll see if I can get a release out tomorrow.

What was broken with the laws? Kinda strange since the last commit I did on it was a literal copy-pasta of the vanilla file, so would be good to know what was FUBAR'd!

I have noticed that some events like favor events have names, description, etc. but are hidden. That doesn't look right. I am not sure, is it intended if yes I'll delete the redondant lines.

This is from 00_tsk_flavor_events.txt

Knight Minor Title

character_event = {
id = tsk.0116
desc = EVTDESCtsk.0116
picture = GFX_evt_knight
border = GFX_event_normal_frame_religion'
hide_window = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
    if = {
      limit = {
        OR = {
          trait = knight
          trait = hedge_knight
          trait = red_knight
          trait = dragon_knight
      knight_character_effect = yes


option = {
    name = EVTOPTAtsk.0116


There are events fired by on_action and other events and effects that don't exist, too. That could cause the Castrated Boy event spam.
There are also several dynasties with at least two cultures.

You'd have to ask @Vierwood about it, since that is his area (he's been adding virtually all of the flavour and EMF events).

There is something I'm worried about in that file tho --- GFX_event_normal_frame_religion'

That rogue ' could cause a whole host of issues.

As for missing events in on_actions, dropping them shouldn't be an issue (generally comment them out in case we bring them back, which is entirely possible as I intend to re-port all vanilla events, since it was a rough/botched job) - however, I'm fairly certain firing a non-existent event doesn't do anything. But maybe it does? Hmm.

I don't think the hidden events need that stuff, but it doesn't hurt to have them. As for the laws I'm not sure what was broken, but I re did them to fit AGOT rather than Europe.

And what about the dynasties?
801076 = {
name = Greatstar
culture = bronzeman
801076 = {
name = Greatstar
culture = valeman
I know they overwrite each other and are unlikely to cause trouble but we should delete the overwritten lines in order to clean up our code.

Red Lake with some farmland and green bog has been added, in addition to a normal height map matching TitanRogue's non-flickering topology map. Red Lake's town position was also changed to be lore-friendly (NE of lake).

Backups of the old topology map and normal height map are in my personal subfolder. I've been experimenting to see if a balance can be struck between preservation of topological detail and reduced flickering.

I don't understand why an experimental topology map is necessary. Since my edits actually didn't change anything in the game. I simply recolored all (95 95 95) to (96 96 96). That's it. You don't notice it in-game and there is no loss of detail. If I didn't get your point please explain it to me.

the transition between the old 95 95 95 and 96 96 96 generated a slope which was visible - with all 95 95 95 set to 96 96 96, the transitional regions have been flattened out, resulting in large/(r) 'flat' zones on the map.

BladedQueen provided some screenshots that show a difference and it can be seen, but personally I don't think it is a huge deal.

I'll go over the current topology and will make some tweaks to reduce it.

@BladedQueen I don't have my normal map tools - only just got GIMP installed, even, so you will want to try to generate a new normal map. It's based on TitanRogue's edits, just with some tweaks to avoid flat-landing.

Very quick, rough and dirty.

@BladedQueen @Altemio
Ok, I somehow missed it.

With your latest commitments you have overwritten all my changes of the province map. Did you make a backup file of the latest province file? So I can merge my edits with yours.

@TitanRogue Sorry about that, I mistakenly added an older province map file. All of your improvements have been restored.

About the topology, Rowan explained it, but yes - it led to wide tracts of flat coastal land. It may not seem significant, but it bothered me to lose the variation - which was noticeable in the generated height map. Example:

Your fix was totally effective otherwise at removing all flickering, and I wanted to manually merge your edits into the problematic map areas. It's unnecessary now.

@Altemio New normal height map generated for the revamped topology. I like it. Confirmed that there is no flickering whatsoever in-game, and if anything, there's more topological variation than the older version. Did you only hit Westeros, by the way? I noticed Essos seemed unaffected. :P

@BladedQueen Awesome! Yeah I've not got to Essos yet, since editing maps is rather arduous.

@Altemio I did a 250 year sim.


It actually turned out really well. Minus of course the economy of every province being ridiculous.

It really did! The March government looks well balanced and the other kingdoms look really good as well. I believe we need to strenghten Dorne to resist to foreign invaders maybe by giving the provinces a huge amount of enemy attrition.

I added a Mystics society. Everything seems fine with it, except for the interface. You guys can tweak it as you like, but I was basing it off the vanilla hermetics and "mystical" people and stuff in the history/lore for Game of Thrones, such as the search for and use of "magic" in Essos to the underground Westeros goings on like the white walkers, children, and based on how both books and show has many people who you can picture investigating stars, myths, etc.

I would like for no one to mess with the cultural buildings. Not trying to sound bossy, I just have an idea of what I want to do with them and don't want interference/balancing done on them yet.

My mindset is that no longer will the building ("levy") take away from garrison, and each of the 10 levels will only gain a net worth of 250 troops (which is not much at all!). This equals 2500 net worth of troops for a fully upgraded level 10 cultural levy building, which is not bad, especially since it is restricted to capital baronies, AND tied in with prerequisite town/road buildings. It represents more people coming in from the countryside to your castle/keep/city/etc and contributing to your "levy". For example, a Stormlander cultured province would pick up different people for its army than a Northmen province would, due to a difference in the two cultures.

Thank you for holding back the balancing/edits/etc for now, and hopefully you can see the reason I am putting behind these buildings.

I'm actually working on a building overhaul (so all of the non-cultural buildings will be changing), so please bear it in mind when making your changes! It is quite spreadsheet heavy so far, so it's taking a bit longer to do than it should. The way it is being set up is so that a fully upgraded castle or city may only offer 3,000 troops, at a cost of 16,000 gold and taking upwards of say 150-300 years depending on modifiers, infrastructure and the sort.

The reason for the smaller numbers is because lore-wise an individual barony in many cases could only offer a few hundred troops - less, such in the case of some of the northern houses due to war exhaustion - and having provinces as we do right now supplying 30k+ between each holding is kinda insane.

So I'd be careful how you go about doing cultural buildings - in fact, rather than adding lots of troops I'd look into having them change troop compositions and using them for the retinue size (we can add retinues too) , as well as other small flavour stat tweaks.

Because cultures themselves already do the following:

  • Adjust the levy sizes and tax income, to simulate some cultures being more or less fussy about recruits (quantity versus quality).
  • Modify the strength of certain unit types, so that they may deal more damage or take less damage during certain combat phases.

But we can't do some other stuff. So for the buildings to work properly, without creating imbalance or redundancy (like just for the sake of being there), they should do the following:

  • Change troop compositions. So you'll lose 25 light_infantry but gain 25 archers, for example.
  • Instead of creating cultural barracks buildings such as in vanilla, the cultural buildings can be relatively cheap but time consuming to build, working to fill that gap.
  • Offer small amounts of tax income or fort level, so cultures known to be harder to invade might see small amounts of bonus fort level.
  • Retinue size bonuses?

Thanks for the info. I will definitely keep in touch with your building edits, since I really do want to have these tied in with the market, road, village type buildings.

I will make them deal with troop composition, with fort level and garrison and retinues for the cultures it seems like would make sense to use them with.

I am definitely a building nut, since I enjoy having lots of them to build during a playthrough.

Can't wait to see the changes in the game.

The way the building system is going now is in the direction of bloat avoidance. There will be a few fewer buildings, but each one will matter more. Costs and bonuses will curve either with or against each other where it makes sense - so whilst you might be spending more, you actually get more bang for your buck the more you upgrade a particular tree.

Additionally I want to move building assignment to an event-based system rather than using technology, so we can fine-tune it so higher ranked rulers will have more development.

Ok. While I disagree in that direction, I do understand it as well. I like the idea of events driving it, but I do not want it to be like the old Middle Earth mod's system, where there was no chance of a different "start" ever. Every time I would play a certain year, it would always start out the same, which I found incredibly boring.

It will be more dynamic than it is now! For example, every game the Reach and Oldtown is virtually the same development due to the constructed buildings being hard-defined in the history file. Plus or minus a building handled by tech.

Ideally there will be a huge amount of randomisation since we will be able to use proper weighting and random components, and will be able to have more developed seats (for example, if you're a King or Empire tier ruler you will have more development than a count).

Events only control what is initially built - in the same way resources are handed out. If you've the money and interest you will be able to turn any seat into a gargantuan citadel.

Don't get me totally wrong though - tech will determine the bulk of development, but rather than using messy history distribution we'll have buildings assigned via the event dynamically based on your title rank and then secondarily based on certain provinces.

Sounds very cool! heavily anticipates

For some reason, the wildling revolters are calling themselves "Khans" and when they win, it creates a nomadic holding. Very odd, and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Last example I had is a religious revolt for the beyond the wall old gods's heresy, and he was Khagan at the declaration and end of the war.

@Altemio @Vierwood

What do you all think of this? IMO, I only do not like it because far far in the future, I was planning on doing the book years. Also, seems kind of underhanded, maybe?

ItΒ΄s actually pretty cool. You got to have your stamina bar filled for such a project. But I wouldnt play it. The map is far too large for these scenarios if you dont populate it properly.

If anything one of you guys should approach him and ask if he wants to help us with the mod. We're in dire need of people who are willing to do the history.


So are we in for supporting this guy's effort? I am okay with it. It will end up being a mess anyways unless he really keeps up with both team's edits.

Yeah I don't mind it, I doubt the AGOT team will agree.

the new DD is wonderful. This will let people play our mod with random and shattered worlds. Interesting to see how hard it will be to be included

It wouldn't be feasible for them to support it as a sub-mod, they'd have to re-release our and AGOT's content as an independent, standalone mod.

There are purple and yellow colored columns in the Reach row of the provinceDef.xls. Does it have a function or can I change it to green?

no function. it was just made to distinguish the kingdoms when we first started doing it, but tweaks and such since have changed the dejure structure, hence a purple being in reach dejure ;)

Good. I put some effort into reorganizing most of it and commited it alongside my last commitment featuring new cultures and province history for Dorne.

Great. I will try to update my submod's provDef to match ours.

@Altemio @TitanRogue

What do you guys think of reducing personal demesne? I think kings and dukes have the ability to hold 5+ provinces, and I think with Westeros (compared to real history) we don't see rulers holding vast amounts of land like that. This allows for smaller houses to flourish, instead of being revoked or taken in wars by their liege, which again is more like Westeros. In game, it makes our setup of giving chars 1-3 counties better.

I know I could play with demesne rule, but I think for "normal" gameplay we need to reduce demense allowed. Perhaps a 50% reduction? King tiers would still be able to hold 2-3 counties, and it would limit counts to 1-2, which is applicable to their supposed size/power in our lore.

Interested to see what you guys think. I talked with @Vierwood about it on Steam, and he seemed ok with it.

I agree, too. All Andal and First Men ruler should be limited to a few holdings. The other rulers like Valyrians, Pentoshi, ... should still be allowed to have a big demesne.

Maybe we can 25% reduce Essosi ones and 50% everyone else. Thanks for agreeing :)

Great! I will adjust it then.

Hey guys, @Altemio @Vierwood @TitanRogue

what do you think about Age of Heroes Essos setup? I would like to make it shattered of course, but didn't Andals control like all of Braavos Lorath and Pentos as well as their homeland? I know before Valyrians they were really strong.

I'm not sure if the Andals even existed during the Age of Heroes. If they did we might as well go overboard and have playable heroes like Hugor of the Hill, and even the Seven Aspects themselves.

That was my thought, with his 44 sons and yeah for sure including the aspects and the heresies of the Seven be prominent. It would offer a different playthrough and could be very cool. I'll implement it whenever I get to that area for that bookmark. Maybe the sons could each get a number of counties across the "Andal Empire" (Pentos, Braavos, Andalos and Lorath).

They had a nomadic lifestyle at this time so only a few tribal rulers (I suppose along the coastline) existed. I like the idea of the 44 sons, too.
There also were other cultures. Maybe Tyroshi and Myrmen ancestors giving the Andals Braavos, Pentos and Lorath to rule. 44 kings, one father sounds great!!!

I almost think I would keep them tribal because it would allow for more options of tribal play. Some kind of way of having each of the sons rule pieces of land in those areas and be tribute to Father would be cool.

Possibly, go the route of trying to add in some republics in places to show the native people.

It is very exciting to think about ;)

Keeping them tribal wouldn't be lore-friendly. We do not have added nomads so far so that be a good addition.

Hmm ok. I dislike the way nomads handle land and such but that might just be me.

I agree, the nomadic government is a nightmare to mod, and you aren't allowed to play as them if you don't own Horse Lords. I think it'd be better if we use tribal.

You need the Old Gods DLC to play tribal too, unless that changed? I actually sorta like nomads, so I don't think it'd be a bad thing (and settling can be allowed). I mean, we're already taking advantage of lots of DLC-required content anyway.

@Altemio a guy who is very experienced with event modding approached me and wants to help. His username is: ThePinkPanzer, go ahead and add him as a contributor,

I thought of dynamic title flags and some also in the comments asked for it. What do you think of it?
I made some for the North and tested it. Works well.

I think dynamic flags would work well, I mean in lore if you got your house to control the North, you wouldn't be flying the Stark banner! :)

If its not too hard, then definitely. If you guys want to teach me how to do it, I could work on it as well.

It`s actually pretty easy. Ok then, I'll go on.

Great! I've added them as a collab.

Drop them this link:

I see tanner beat me to it ;) so yeah, sounds like a great feature to me.

The beta testers are wailing about the demesne change. Do people even play counts and dukes?

Anyways, I think I will give an extra 25% for the values, so it will be 75% of the original values.

raised_vassal_opinion_loss = no seems to not be working, yet that is what is on the wiki. Any ideas?

Beta testers said they were noticing adding this line to ironborn religions did not change a thing.

Revolts are still... sighs not working. Here is a save from our beta tester who says the revolt was leading in "all realm provinces".

@Altemio @Vierwood @TitanRogue

Which revolts are they? The Wildling, Stepstone and/or religious revolts might still be broken because of scope issues.

I at least see some religious revolts work fine. Its like some work and some do not for all those types.

What scope issue are you talking? Do you know how revolts are fired?


So I captured a look at a Wildling revolter, and he is a Nomad and just sits in the province, not actually declaring a war, but holding the CB to do so.


See events/04_uprising_event.txt

The events were modified from vanilla and throw together in less than an hour so they're pretty.. Well, I'm not surprised they don't work, as there is a lot of 'scope depth' and I was basically guessing what level pointed to what. In other words, it was lazy and I did it without really trying to understand what was going on.

I am going on vacation today so I can have sleepless nights. I try to fix it.

Do you know where vanilla revolts are fired?

old gods rebel events and horse lords

When do we update the mod on Steam?

We usually agree on a date, I think. And of course make sure its updated/announced everywhere else too.

I am good with that.

I would say we wait until the release date of Holy Fury is announced.

What do you think of converting from First Men to Andal being only allowed when having an Andal parent?

I think that would fit. Andal or Andal type. So like Stormlander and a First men culture char could convert to stormlander.

Why is there a House called Ninja and why does it get some land in the Refuge?

@Vierwood did the Refuge and its chars, I think.

It's an Easter egg house.

About the Isle of Faces... We should make it a wasteland since it is uninhabited and guarded by some green dudes protecting some weirwoodtrees.

We're actually going to put some children of the forest on it at some point as a sort of easter-egg. And it is a holy site for the old gods, so it's good to have regardless.

I did a 200 year run, and we need to reduce the amount of "mass killing" traits being given. lol lots of rulers had it across the observe game.

I haven't added any ai_chance so far and the event is triggered on every siege. I am currently working on it.


I don't feel well about the Valyrians on the map except the Driftmark. I believe it makes much more sense to reduce the amount of provinces of Valyrian culture. Half of it, maybe? The Valyrians built colonies like Lys, Myr, Tyrosh or Volantis but they all got their own culture and so the surrounding settlements. They even killed the dragon lords and their dragons when they rallied in Tyrosh after the Doom. I suggest we split the Lysene culture in Lysene and maybe Western Valyrian so the southeastern provinces are Western Valyrian (or whatever you want to call it) and the rest Lysene. I am concerned about lore-friendlity (?) and when making up my mind about how the Doom could take place in our mod I started to think about it.

I have made Lys occupied by Valyrians because it is necessary for the Viceroy (for some reason) to have land otherwise the ability to interact vanishes with the viceroy.

That said, I'd be ok with making a western valyrian. It could be halfed with Lysene too.

I have some suggesions for map in coming bookmarks like "The Doom of Valyria wich takes place around 114 years before Aegon's Conquest according to awoiaf. So at this date the map should have more sililarities with the map we now from the books. So these are my suggestions:
Green provinces are moved or/and rescaled. Red represents their former position. There would be no loss of provinces/titles and I believe that we could make bookmarks in the early history of Westeros with a lore-friendlier map.

I deleted the minor islands around the Smoulering Isle by mistake.