Can't update column Desktop column to not set
Closed this issue · 4 comments
SebastianDaehnrich commented
I wan't to update the Desktop column to not set. But this is not working with gridelements 7.0.5.
I'm running typo3 7.4.6.
SventB commented
I'm wondering about this, too. It should be "mobile first": If a value for "Small devices" is set, all other columns could be set to "not set". That means, "Small devices" should be the tab which is default and which is placed on the left side.
In addition, the order is proper if the tabs start with "Small devices" and end with "Large devices".
laxap commented
@SebastianDaehnrich - it's fixed in version 1.3.0. Tested on TYPO3 7.6.x.
SventB commented
It's still not "mobile first" and still no proper order: tab "Desktop" is first, "Small devices" is second, why?
SventB commented
Ok, now it is, thank you :)