
Deleting articles

arvigeus opened this issue · 2 comments

I could not find a button to do it. The closest thing I found was "Archive" where the article disappears into undisclosed location.

Offtopic: Great app! I am thinking of replacing Pocket with it.

Hey yeah. Deleting articles is a soft delete for now. It removes them from your list but doesn't delete them entirely.

Part of the reason is that I wanted to introduce an archived section at some point where you could undo something or fully delete it.

But I haven't gotten around to that yet.

The second reason is that I need to think through the logic of highlights from deleted articles. The highlights would likely stay even if the article was deleted, but they would be a bit broken.

I think once I decouple highlights from articles to make them more independent, then deleting articles will run a script on all article highlights first and ensure that nothing gets broken.

Is there a reason that the "soft delete" isn't enough for you atm?

just fyi, deleting your account fully deletes everything, not soft deletes.

Is there a reason that the "soft delete" isn't enough for you atm?

My use case was i was unable to parse an article, so I created a new manual entry, then tried to remove the old one.

Thank you for the clarification! Since you are working on this, you may close this issue any time you want.