Feature request: Whitelist of App ID
Opened this issue · 3 comments
For users with a large number of badges, it would take a very long time to scan all their badges and find matching bots.
I would like to suggest adding a whitelist for app ID.
So if a user want to complete a specific n
game badges, they could only need to search for n x M
times, instead of the current N x M
, where N
is the number of available badges, and M
is the number of bots.
This pre-search whitelist would come in handy with the current after search filter.
Yes, that's a good idea. Can't promise to make it soon, don't have much free time recently, but definitely will add to wishlist. And of course PRs are welcome.
I will craft a PR later.
I wrote something for this, but I didn't add UI interactions for it
add this line near the top after "use strict";
and put inside appIDs you want to look for
let filters = [730, 1085750, 1849000];
before GetCards(0, -1); line (line no ~1274) insert this:
if (filters.length > 0) {
myBadges = myBadges.filter(x => filters.includes(x.appId));
script will only search for filters
appIDs you provide