
Comparing yearMonthDuration to dayTimeDuration and vice versa is failing (eq operator)

mstevan opened this issue · 3 comments

test-set: op/duration-equal.xml
test-cases: all that fail are

Comparing yearMonthDuration to dayTimeDuration and vice versa is failing (eq operator)

yearMonthDuration("P0M") eq dayTimeDuration("PT0S")

⚠️ ️There was an error.

Code: [XPTY0004] (this code can be looked up in the documentation and specifications).

Location information: file:/Users/mstevan/Documents/:LINE:1:COLUMN:0:

"yearMonthDuration": invalid type: can not compare for equality to type "dayTimeDuration"

Expected output:

This is fixed.

All tests are passing, however I think that implementation may have broken what used to work before.
@ghislainfourny Please check ne operator for comparing duration with duration, it is causing issues:

duration("P1Y") ne duration("P1Y")

org.rumbledb.exceptions.UnexpectedTypeException: There was an error.

Code: [XPTY0004] (this code can be looked up in the documentation and specifications).

Location information: file:/Users/mstevan/Documents/rumble-test-suite/:LINE:1:COLUMN:0:

"ne": operation not possible with parameters of type "duration" and "duration"

Expected output:

Fully fixed now, all tests are passing and no new crashes caused by fix